'Be anxious for nothing..." ~Philippians 4:6

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Always be prepared for changes. Be flexible.

It is always interesting to know the background of the individual(s) tasked with deciding your fate. Their questions should be no surprise.

Don't merely take time to think about what you are going to say, but consider when it's best to just shut up altogether.

See the finish line. Remember how well some things have turned out when you resisted being lazy, or doing just enough to get by.

You can care, but you don't have to be consumed. Know which crosses to leave on the ground. God is not asleep.

Have fun. Demonstrate respect for the work by being prepared. Do a little research.

If you have no idea what it means, don't adopt it as your own.

There are some things that God simply won't allow you to do. He loves you that much.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Yes, there's a tune in my head
But I can't play it
I know how the words are to be said
But I can't play it
I can hear the harmonies
And where the instruments come in
Where the voices blend
And then join in unison
But I can't play it

I don't know the key
Please don't ask me
I just know how it goes
And today, I suppose
I have to lose the fear;
It may bring joy to another's ear 
Something whispered
"Just sing it out"
'Cause God knows--
I believe
Somebody's gonna play it
Exactly the way I hear it 


Friday, June 25, 2010


When I saw the advertisement for diddybeats.com (Monster) I couldn't believe the irony or the uncanny similarity. 
I immediately looked for the photo of my parents. 

There he was in 1959. 
Slightly profile view, slim mustache, and in his mouth, a single toothpick. 
He was oozing cool. 
At almost 84, he still is. Neat, dapper, and very proud. 

I thought of the scripture that reminds us that there is nothing new under the sun. 
I thought of all the terms that have been used over the years to communicate "cool". 
I decided to revert to my childhood habit and make a Fathers' Day card for my Dad this year, instead of buying one. 
I thought it would be fun to compare the images--one taken fifty-one years ago, and the other this year-- just to show how things have a way of coming full circle.

I don't know if Daddy even knows who Diddy is. 
I doubt if Daddy would be interested in spending an evening listening to rap. I do know that he, like the father and businessman Sean Combs, is a proponent of caring for family, hard work, realizing dreams, charitable endeavors, challenging oneself, being entrepreneurial and enterprising, having a positive outlook on life, learning from mistakes, and encouraging others to excel.

I looked for 50's terminology, and wasn't surprised to find a website that chronicled slang throughout history. 
I worked up the cover and inside design and allowed shutterfly.com to do the rest.

We had a very nice dinner at B.Smith's DC in celebration of my Dad--to me--the originator of cool, and one who has always tried his best to be a good example to his children.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


I looked out of the window and saw a bird attempt to land in the crown of a tree. Apparently the limb it chose weighed less than the bird, because it bent surprisingly low. The bird seemed to be startled. When he quickly flew off of it, it snapped back like an overextended rubber band. Had the bird been in the path of the retracting limb, I'm sure it would have sent it sailing. The bird furiously flapped it's wings in mid air for a few seconds as if to ask the limb, "What is your problem?" It then flew to a lower portion of the tree and chose a branch that could hold it. As I watched, I felt that familiar feeling that there was a lesson in it all that I have to learn, or will soon be able to apply.



Wednesday, June 23, 2010


There's a new swarm of friends at The National Zoo
A colony in The Last Colony
Neat, clean, and dry will their new home be
And they'll love that the city's not pollen-free

As they settle in, gather, modify, and store
Into their nests we'll go
One swift sting will convey
The sweet results of their effort
Means more to them than we know

It's THEIR complex food
But we want it too
We'll employ any means to obtain it
All the work that they do
Searching flowers and trees
Only to have us show up and claim it

One supposes, if they could talk to us
Whether fertile queen, worker, or drone
They'd say, "Thank you for the warm welcome to your fine zoo,
But leave our prized honey alone".

Saturday, June 19, 2010


I got a message from a political hopeful. The smiling face in the picture just didn't seem to go along with the words. Here was yet another person hell bent on "exposing" someone, while soliciting support for her own candidacy. 
The pitch stank of jealousy, desperation, and confusion. In between the lines, and upon them, was the unmistakable disgust that a Black man and his family are in the White House.

Listen. If your only strength, is the ability to round up a bunch of knuckleheads, and plan the destruction of another human being, I wouldn't follow you to a picnic, let alone cast a vote for you. 
I couldn't believe what I was reading! She had the nerve to evoke God! god who? Which one? Pookie? Then she talked about "going back". TO WHAT? Do you even SAY that to a Black person born in America who was alive in the 60's, and has southern-born parents? 
No platform, no ideas, no solutions, just selling her book about a rival politician, and sick excitement about exposing his faults and supposedly heinous past. After that, there was more talk about God!

WHAT makes people think that bringing up Christianity to a Christian, is going to blind you to their ridiculous rhetoric and bigoted ideas? What makes her think that no one is digging around in HER closet, waiting to humiliate her or her family? Then she arrogantly said, she "refuses to acknowledge the presidency", as if her denial is going to unseat him. Where was she when they were counting chads in Florida? Under a rock? Good grief. I want her, and her 3 friends on MySpace to enroll in a course in African American history, then OPEN the Bibles they thump and brush up on love, grace and mercy...UGH!!!! I am SICK of hateful people! Lord help us...

Now hear this, lovely politicians:

Examine yourselves.

Decide if you want to serve and help people, or be a star.

Decide if you want to serve and help people or land a cushy gig where you are BEING served.

HOW are you going to solicit support in tearing down another person, and think it's honorable? Do you REALLY think you're going to win?

If you insist on continuing to dig a hole for someone else to fall into, make sure you toss in your favorite stuff. It will be your new home.

Author all of the confusion your pitiful, misguided heart desires. Leave God out of it.

I am praying for people so consumed by hate that their own talents, strengths and gifts are going to waste in destructive ventures. I am sure I am not alone.

I amazed by the desperate want for mercy and grace, and the pitiful effort to show them to others.

Harming and humiliating others simply CANNOT be the only way you think you can succeed. You MUST be better than that.

I'm not surprised by hatred, but saddened by supposedly intelligent people seeking to exalt themselves by using low down methods and rhetoric.

Run on your own strengths, not the bigotry and ignorance that you cowardly stir. What goes around comes back around like a rabid pit bull...

Answer this: What is it that causes people to forget their own pasts and failures?

You will never succeed by attempting to denigrate someone else...and definitely don't align God with obvious hatred.

If you have sense enough to try and APPEAL to my Christianity, you ought to know that it's based SOLELY on my acceptance of the finished work of Jesus on Calvary, his God engineered resurrection, and his identity as the Son of God--NOT whether I vote for you.


I fell asleep with the TV on last night. 
I woke up to the sound of a little girl screaming about a tin man. I continued to watch. It was an episode of "The Outer Limits". 
I love retro TV, so, although I was sleepy, I continued to watch. The episode was titled , "I Robot"
A scientist had created a robot, but as usual, the robot didn't have the capacity to feel. It only followed commands. The scientist died in a freak accident, and of course, everyone accused the robot of murder, and sought to destroy it.
The robot clearly didn't understand its own strength. It rescued a little girl from drowning in a stream, but her arm was broken in the process. The frightened little girl, instead of being grateful, could only see the harm that was done. 
It's sad when you don't recognize when you're being helped.

The robot remembered everything, and wasn't capable of lying. It only gave the facts. As I watched I, as usual, God was watching with me-- and talking. I realized there were so many practical and spiritual implications for today. 
1. We make things, but fail to put in safeguards when our creations get away from us. 
2. We seek solutions to problems and often create bigger problems in the process. 
3. We implement things in the name of progress, and end up setting ourselves back. 
4. We tackle things we don't understand, and then demonize them when they do what they are naturally inclined to do. 
5. We construct things, let them loose on society and leave society with the clean up bill after the things fail. 
6. We often value material things much more than we value people.

Two lines in the episode struck me:

"There's always more than one man...always more than one hope."

"Out of every disaster, a little progress is made..."

How timely for an almost 46 year old TV show. There really is nothing new under the Sun.

Friday, June 18, 2010



Keepin' It Stupid has been arrested, charged, and convicted for the kidnapping and impersonation of Keeping It Real.
Real has been missing for an indefinite period of time, and it is not known as of this date, the extent of the damage done by Stupid. 
The heinous crime has contributed to the serious academic decline of thousands, affecting their ability to reason and process information, and embrace wisdom. 
Affected parties often refer to everything they do not understand as "deep", are highly critical, less than articulate, and are quick to ridicule and judge things and people, without warning or cause. 

Authorities are not sure about the extent of the damage resulting from Stupid's crime, but do expect full recoveries for many, provided that they practice thinking before they speak or send written correspondence. 
Experts report that reading for oneself, and even basic home training are excellent remedies. 
Sadly, growing old is the only way that some individuals will ever truly know how to genuinely "keep it real".

Charges are pending against repeat offenders, Trifling and Ign'ant. 
Eyewitnesses confirm that the two are frequently seen in the company of Stupid, and were in possession of Real's property when arrested. 

Common Sense, Reason, Virtue and a thinking cap were returned to Real unharmed.
Authorities have expressed that they are having difficulty questioning Ign'ant, and have sought the assistance of translators. 
So far, the only ones capable of communicating with Ign'ant are a cousin, commonly known as Clueless, an old aquaintance, Dumb, and a distant relative named Foolishness. 

Stupid has been adamant in denying any association with Ign'ant, Dumb, or Foolishness, but admitted a relationship with Clueless, and identified Clueless as the real mastermind behind the kidnapping. 

Stupid testified that Clueless was afraid that Keeping It Real would encourage intelligence, critical thinking and honesty.

In a statement given by Stupid, prior to imprisonment, a plot to permanently dispose of Real and promote Deceit, Ignorance, Illiteracy, Poor Communication, and Low Self Esteem, was exposed.
Real, a direct descendant of Truth, appreciates everyone responsible for bringing these menaces to justice.

"Stupid has infiltrated schools, churches, businesses, industries, media outlets and the internet, causing many to proudly declare their gross lack of knowledge, common courtesy, and decency. 

Identity theft is a terrible thing in today's society", Real said. "It's hard to get back to normal when someone has used your good name to cause irreparable harm. I hope Stupid never sees the light of day ever again."

After a brief period of recuperation, Keeping it Real will be working with authorities to indict and convict Denial, Hot Mess, and Bad Grammar.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

PRAISE TO THE LORD, THE ALMIGHTY: Kevin Eubanks "Adoration"

I love hymns. LOVE them. I love the power of the words. I love the obvious devotion that the writers seem to have for God. I love their wonderful wordiness that many say is death to a song. To me, every verse gets better. I've always felt that the verses we traditionally sing aren't always the most engaging ones. The lyrics emanate from a place in the writer's heart that reaches out to the reader, listener and singer. They aren't vague. They are bold in their acknowledgment of God. Even when the words aren't sung, and a musician is playing the melody, the words well up in your mind and make you want to sing.

This morning I woke up to the sound of a guitar. It was the music of long-time "Tonight Show" band leader Kevin Eubanks. The music was so soothing and beautiful. Then I realized why it touched me so. It was a hymn. He played so simply, yet skillfully and passionately. I hoped that it wasn't just an impromptu performance. I wanted to hear it again and again. I searched and found the lovely song that he so brilliantly titled "Adoration". I also searched for the lyrics of the familiar hymn that wove itself throughout the sounds that blessed me as I began my day.

Joachim Neander

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!
O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy health and salvation!
All ye who hear, now to His temple draw near;
Praise Him in glad adoration.

Praise to the Lord, who over all things so wondrously reigneth,
Shelters thee under His wings, yea, so gently sustaineth!
Hast thou not seen how thy desires ever have been
Granted in what He ordaineth?

Praise to the Lord, who hath fearfully, wondrously, made thee;
Health hath vouchsafed and, when heedlessly falling, hath stayed thee.
What need or grief ever hath failed of relief?
Wings of His mercy did shade thee.

Praise to the Lord, who doth prosper thy work and defend thee;
Surely His goodness and mercy here daily attend thee.
Ponder anew what the Almighty can do,
If with His love He befriend thee.

Praise to the Lord, who, when tempests their warfare are waging,
Who, when the elements madly around thee are raging,
Biddeth them cease, turneth their fury to peace,
Whirlwinds and waters assuaging.

Praise to the Lord, who, when darkness of sin is abounding,
Who, when the godless do triumph, all virtue confounding,
Sheddeth His light, chaseth the horrors of night,
Saints with His mercy surrounding.

Praise to the Lord, O let all that is in me adore Him!
All that hath life and breath, come now with praises before Him.
Let the Amen sound from His people again,
Gladly for aye we adore Him.

Kevin Eubanks "Adoration" can be purchased and downloaded at itunes...http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/adoration/id367214769

Listen to "Praise to the Lord, The Almighty" at http://www.cyberhymnal.org/htm/p/t/pttlta.htm

Wednesday, June 16, 2010



Every teacher I knew said, 
"Think before you speak."
Write only about what you know
Now, I wonder--
If I just start talking or writing
Whose friend won't I be any more?

You don't have to say all that pops into your head
You don't have to write down every thought
There is such a thing as discretion, and
Some sacred things
Should just stay as they ought

What have we become?
Are we really communicating?
Are we friendly and sweet,
Or cowardly and mean?

I want to hear a voice
I want to look into eyes
I want to touch, and feel--
Not always have to guess what you mean when you write
I don't want to see a colon and parentheses
I want to see your real smile

There's really nothing like human interaction
There's so much that you, too, can convey
Have abbreviations, emoticons, and our new gadgets
Left us scrambling for real words to say?

Every teacher I knew said 
"Think before you speak."
Now I'm speaking
I hope that today
We'll all take a little time from the keyboard
And greet a loved one, face to face



When there is nothing left to be said, shutting up would seem to be the order of the day. What had been done was so thorough and beautiful. It was inspiring and refreshing. It was sincere, and done with so much conviction. It was encouraging, and welcome, and strong. It was also greatly applauded--and then the noise happened.

The applause triggered something in someone else that made them feel the need to seize the moment for themselves. I could literally feel the mood in the room change. Not aggressive enough to say, "Please don't ruin this moment", I prayed that nothing more would be said. My prayer didn't work. The self-serving tirade was like an assault. It killed the moment and everything wonderful that preceded it. It gave not even the Spirit of the Lord room to work. All I could hear was self-serving, ranting of one who couldn't bear not being the focus of attention. The words said were grating and loud. They were borne out of envy and offense, and were very easily translated. "I have to make this about me".

The next day I was awakened--very early-- by noise. I opened the blinds and through the trees I could see the heavy equipment on the street. The noise made it's presence known. It made me think of the human noise I'd heard the night before, that was still on my mind. I shook my head. Maybe the noise itself has no idea how annoying it really is. Maybe there's a purpose for it. The fifth or sixth time I heard vehicles rumbling across the large, temporary metal plates on the street, I began to feel more sympathetic with all of the noise. It occurred to me that noise often serves a purpose that even the the person making it isn't aware of.

That morning, I wrote: 
"It is intrusive, loud, and insensitive.
It arrogantly asserts itself, and tramples over the singing of the birds. 
It chases away the peaceful spirit of morning, and exalts itself.
But, when I consider the end result of the construction work--smooth, even pavement; no driving hazards--I see the necessity of the noise, and the seemingly endless jackhammering becomes less annoying, more understandable, and tolerable.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Art is a language that communicates feelings, ideas, moods and experiences...only the creator REALLY knows the intent, purpose and meaning. If you happen to "get it", consider yourself special...or maybe weird.

If you draw a tree and it looks like a squirrel, don't be surprised when the picture is filed under "animals".

Watch that sanctimonious inclination to add your shovelful of dirt to the hole someone has fallen into. You wouldn't have dirt to throw unless you've been in a hole yourself. Remember how that felt. God decides who is in or out of the game. Don't foolishly view another person's misfortune or failure as your time to shine--or judge. Resist the temptation to puff yourself up as morally or spiritually superior. Okay, so you read more, pray more, fast more, and are at church every time the doors swing open. Good for you. It's what you DON'T do, that might tarnish your reputation and witness. Remember, God is no respecter of persons. Men are. Aim to please God.

It's sad when competition runs rampant, tramples over, and displaces unity--and there's no ball, bat, or net involved.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


As I reached into my bag to get the umbrella "something" told me to take along, the first line of The Emotions' hit song just seemed so fitting: "Doesn't take much to make me happy..."
I'm in Chicago with members of my "Vision" family. We're here for the Chicago Gospelfest. We've traveled a great deal over the last 15 or so years, and we have some great stories to tell. This trip just seems to be on the really smooth sailing list already. No traffic on the way to the airport. No delays. No cancellations. No one missed the flight. Even the brief bout of turbulence didn't bother me. The flight attendants managed to serve a beverage to everyone and I got my customary tomato juice that I only seem to want when I'm aboard a plane. There was a nice article about Betty White in the seat pocket magazine. The episode of "Two and a Half Men" where Charlie and Alan had a falling out over an ugly bowl, was hilarious...Our female pilot put the plane down very nicely...
We got off of the plane. God Bless Chicago O'Hare. I looked to my left and there was Garrett's Popcorn. I've been talking about it for a week--maybe longer. I told myself I wasn't leaving Chicago without some. Before I even went to baggage claim, I bought a small bag of cheese and a large bag of caramel. I guess the Garrett's employees were used to seeing people smiling as they approached. A nice young lady named Jackie packaged my popcorn so nicely. Stephanie said I was swinging my blue and gold Garrett's bag like an Easter basket...
I was smiling like I'd won the lottery. We got to baggage claim carousel 12 and I saw my bag on the conveyor. The drivers were on time. The ride to the Hard Rock hotel was pleasant. The keys and rooms were ready when we arrived. The hotel is lovely. I'm facing a mirror- with Bono rocking out silk screened on the surface, and Bob Dylan's jeans and guitar are preserved in a glass case in the hallway. I'm rooming with my best friend. The beds look very comfy. There's a Keurig coffee maker and Newman's Own organic coffee. I'm happy and I don't even drink coffee like that.

When I attempted to log on to my computer earlier, I couldn't. After a few unsuccessful tries, the hotel clerk apologized and gave me a passcode which affords me 6 days of free internet-- and I'm only going to be here three...

Not long after arriving to my room, a call came. "Wanna go and get something to eat? We're going to The Grand Lux Cafe". What? That's the other place I said I wanted to go. Off we went walking through the streets of Chicago as if we lived here. There's music and dancing in the streets. Every block, someone is handing out a flier for some event or sale or other. Every store window seemed to hold something that made you want to get a closer look...
Our wait seemed non-existent. Almost as soon as we arrived, we were whisked upstairs past the swirling wall designs, to out table. We had the best waiter. He seemed to know everything, and my petite filet was well done, and just right. I love salad and the garden salad's roasted tomato vinegarette was delicious. I didn't care about dessert, but the red velvet cake and fresh baked cookies that friends ordered looked delicious. I was happy. I had my Garrett's....but, it seemed that others wanted Garrett's, too. Our waiter told us that there was a new one not 2 minutes away, and after our meal, off we went. We could smell the caramel a half a block away...

As we walked back I could feel a little drizzle. I pulled out the little red umbrella. There were very pretty things in the window at Ann Taylor, and other stores we passed. I thought I'd wanted to stop in the Kenneth Cole Store, or even Walgreen's, but we decided to just keep walking. I felt happy. I can't really explain it. Just as we got to the hotel door, the rain began to fall a little harder. Perfect timing.
We have a free evening. Nowhere to rush to. No hurry up and wait. No hair to do, no faces to beat, no feet flung up in fabulous heels. Just leisure time to do whatever we like. Homebody me, has settled in to the room. Whatever I may need, however, is within walking distance. I think Aveda's Rosemary mint line is going to be a new favorite.
We're scheduled to sing tomorrow evening. Today, though, has been absolutely lovely...: )
Lord, You rock.

Friday, June 4, 2010


"Like a city whose walls are broken down, is a man who lacks self-control". 
Proverbs 25:28

Ever since he took office, people have been itching to see the rough side of President Barack Obama, that they hope is smoldering beneath his caramel skin. 
The so-called “oil spill” (By the way, "spill" is what I did with my tea yesterday, and quickly soaked up with a half a sheet of Bounty), is prompting many to question whether his idea of "furious" is the same "Furious" that has close cousins named "Bonkers", "Postal" "Ballistic" and "Wiling Out".
Does he yell
Does he scream
Does he curse or throw things? 
Is he violent
Is it possible that a human being can be so admirably calm and collected? 
Where's the emotion

What amuses me, is that the questions are being posed by other human beings.

I am personally glad that The President has been a good example of dignity and grace, under fire--especially when he is constantly blamed for things he neither initiated, perpetuated or supported. 

I admire his public cool! 
People do have a way of pushing buttons. 
The President, has been consistent-- clearly thinking before he speaks, and recognizing his limitations. 
It seems as if he got the message my Mom always gave: 
"Know when to turn it on, and when to turn it off". 

I don't know what he does when the cameras are unplugged, and frankly, it's none of my business. What I have seen, however, is the kind of man who instills pride and admiration. 
Unfortunately, that's not always good enough for his Black or White brothers and sisters of America. 
(I wonder how other races feel about being excluded from these conversations, or if they're more than happy to be left out).

I thought about our President's "damned if you do; damned if you don't" dilemma, on a recent trip to Guadeloupe. 
I was served by a very polite young man, who was working in the hotel restaurant to subsidize his continuing education. 
One of my traveling companions asked him if he spoke English, and we learned that he was fluent in English-- as well as three other languages. 
He recognized that we were from America, and told us of the person who suggested he learn Ebonics, in order to engage African- American tourists. 
I will never forget the anguish on his face, when he asked if I thought it was a good idea. 
I'm glad I was able to keep my cool. 
I pray that I convinced him of the utter stupidity and insulting, downright evil nature of the suggestion. 
Sadly, we are still playing the "sounding white", "acting white", and "wanna be white" cards. 
Sadly, we still consider a well-mannered, well-groomed, well-spoken Black man as some kind of alien, who needs to take a crash course in "Keepin' it real" --taught by a pre-school drop-out named "ManMan".

Ecclesiastes 1:9 comes to mind. 
"The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the Sun..."

People were, are, and always will be jealous, ignorant, hateful, discouraging, prejudiced, and antagonistic. 
People will always expect more from others than they expect of themselves. 
People will always try to tear others down, and rejoice when reputations, and public personas are tarnished. 

I get the feeling that many people would be less offended by our President, if he weren't quite so intelligent. It's also too bad that his very appearance--also the result of conditions out of his control--gives some people indigestion. 
He is who he is. 
He has done well. 
He is not perfect. 
He is not a god. 
He is, however an impressive man, who doesn't have to feed anyone's sick need to perpetuate negative stereotypes about the behavior of Black men. 

We don't need a poll to know that there are embarrassing crazies in every community, who make us cringe. The President need not abandon his dignity to feed into foolishness.

I'm glad that my three young nephews honestly don't understand what the big deal is about a Black President. I'm glad they see President Obama in office as the rule, and not the exception. 

I feel sorry for those who, when they visualize a Black man, prefer to see an irresponsible, selfish, shiftless, inarticulate, loud-mouthed, violent, drunken, drug-dealing, sperm-spreading, foul-mouthed buffoon, who looks like he shops regularly at Pimps-R-Us.

It's sad that some things always boil down to race. News flash: America has a President who happens to be a Black man. Unfortunately, the hope for him to launch into an Ebonics-laden rap, while dressed in sagging pants, munching on chicken wings and watermelon, during a limo ride to a Tyler Perry play, is still alive. 

"When is he going to show his true side?", many wonder. 
He can't have fed himself so completely on the elusive, self-control fruit. When is he going to become Super Negro?

If I could talk to him, I would tell him, "Resist the encouragement to act like a clown--unless you're on stage and getting paid---or work at a circus on the weekends." 
Heck. I would tell that to anyone
What is the benefit of seeing someone behaving badly?

I spent a lot of time as a teacher stopping fights, and warning little kids that all some people want is a ring side seat to their humiliation. 
Notice who's encouraging you to argue, curse or fight. 
Notice who is calling you a chicken. 
Notice how they're practically salivating to see you throw a punch, or make a fool of yourself. 
Their petty lives, and ignorant outlooks, and misinformed narratives depend upon having yet one more negative thing to talk and laugh about-- at your expense. 

There's so much buzz about "emotion". 
So much for that. 
How many times have we seen intense "emotion" being shown in light of a tragic incident, only to find out later that the "emotional" one is the murderer?

Everyone has emotions. 
Everyone can choose to what degree those emotions will be displayed. 
Sometimes we waste far too many tears, and even more words. 
If screaming and raising a ruckus would stop that oil from gushing, we'd all be occupying a spot on a beach in the Gulf of Mexico right now.

If you're one of those people who is constantly chided about the level of emotion you do, or don't display, don't abandon your personality to put on a show for someone who is probably less stable than you are. 
Yes. You are a human being. 
Yes, there will be times when your blood will seem to boil. 
Yes, you will want to see if you can effectively string together a few non-Sunday school words. 
Exercise self control anyway. 
Imagine God as the only one sitting in the audience watching you.

When you are calm and exercise self control, don't be surprised by those who pick and pick just to see if you will haul off and slap the daylights out of them. Don't bite or bark just so someone can feel good in confirming the negative opinion they already hold about you.

"...But since we belong to the day, let us be self-controlled, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet." 
~1 Thessalonians 5:8

FREE INDEED: Compiling my poems

I think I've found every slip of paper, and old journal, and notebook entry. I'm going to compile every poem I've ever written. I have a feeling the book will be a lot bigger than I thought.
I like the shutterfly.com templates for photobooks. I can add art to each poem. I'm pretty sure that I have a picture to accompany each one. I've always liked to write. It'll be fun and fascinating to see everything bound in one book.
This was written in the summer of 2000:


Within me is all the power I need
It was placed there by a mighty hand
That I might be victorious in all things
That I might rise
Above anything that
Threatens to overtake me
That I might have a tremendous testimony-
Not to keep to myself
But to empower someone else
To seek the source of my strength
Within me are His songs
So rich with His words
Hidden deep in the most secret place
Of my heart
Where nothing and no one
Can destroy them
The only unbroken place
The place I fight to maintain
His words are life to me
And so,
His songs are that much more precious


Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Go outside
Go outside
Go outside, and see the sun
Go outside
Go outside
Go outside and try to run
You don't have to be
As fast as you were before
Just feel the wind on your face
Don't let it be
A faded memory

Go outside
Go outside
Go outside, refresh yourself
Go outside, could it be that outside
Will serve your health?

Think back when you were young
When every open door
Left you keenly aware of
The commonality that you and Nature share
Nothing could hold you back
Not even pouring rain
Could make you come inside
Get back that joy again

Go outside
Go outside
Go outside
Don't be afraid
Go outside
Go outside
New memories wait to be made
Shake off the tiredness
Take back control and then
Tell yourself, "Self, let's live where the living live"

Go outside
Go outside
Fight; resist the drive to stay
Locked behind double doors
Where blinds and windows weigh
If it's muggy, cool, sunny, or cloudy gray
Don't watch the world go by
Don't miss another day
Make up your mind
You'll be just fine
Go outside
Go outside
Go outside.



What can you do about yesterday? Talk about it incessantly until you make yourself sick? Learn from its blunders? Celebrate its good times? Rehearse its memorable moments? Use it as fuel? Make a shrine to it? Hope you get a case of amnesia and forget it altogether?

Yesterday has purpose. It is a wonderful tool for use today. It can make you a wiser, more thoughtful, more purposeful individual, or a bitter, complaining regretful one.

Even as lousy as you declare that yesterday may have been, you don't have to adopt the lousiness as a way of life. As shocking as yesterday's behaviors were, they don't have to leave you paralyzed and fearful. Yesterday is gone. Yes. Its occurrences have a tendency to creep into today, and potentially dictate how today will flow, but it doesn't have to bulldoze today and render it ineffective, unpleasant or stagnant.

Don't allow anything that occurred yesterday to cause you to miss today or forfeit tomorrow. This-- this one right here--is the day that the Lord has made. If you were too preoccupied, sad, distracted, disillusioned, worried, disappointed, or worn out to rejoice and be glad yesterday, brush off whatever was said or done--or unsaid or undone, and try again today. 
Rejoice. Go ahead. I dare you. You can do it. Be glad. Go on. You can find something, even one thing that will bring a smile to your face...and your smile can be positively contagious.

You're awake. You're alive. Decide that today is going to be the best day. After the yesterday you may have had, you deserve it. Besides, the thoughts that God has for you would pan out so well with your participation...: )