'Be anxious for nothing..." ~Philippians 4:6

Tuesday, December 24, 2024


The licencing and ordination of celebrities isn't a new phenomenon. Little Richard, Lady Gaga, Adele, Conan O'Brien, Angela Winbush, Al Greene, Emma Stone, Ian McKellan, and Hugh Jackman are among celebrities who are also clergy.

Recently, another noted, celebrated actor made a religious decision, that many consider a big deal, some consider a surprise, and others act as if it's a miracle, and an answer to long ago uttered prayer.  There are of course, those who actually know him, who aren't shocked at all. Is the overwhelming response because of who he is? Is it a dramatic decision and life change, or a mere continuation of who he's always been?

Is the glee, and even relief expressed, because people assumed he wasn't already a Christian? Had the self-righteous among us disqualified him, because of his secular profession? Is his new vocation considered a coup? Has "the church" successfully wrangled him from the world's clutches? Is that the story being told?

Could it be, that a man in his latter years is simply shifting gears, and exercising another talent?

Have churchgoers been more performative and fictional in their Christianity than he has ever been in his roles on screen? 

Church folk like claiming people. They like celebrities, too, and tend to be personality driven, respecters of persons, sometimes.

One thing's for sure, the sermons will be magnificent in their eloquence--after all, he is an actor, and a mighty good one. He's used to studying. He won't trip over or mispronounce words or phrases, lose his place, or go off on tangents. He'll stick to the unadulterated script--and that's refreshing. If he does improvise, it'll be intelligently done.

 A tree can't just up and decide what fruit it is going to bear. Affixing pears to a fig tree, won't make it a pear tree. Figs are going to show up every time. And so it is with people. Whatever is wired and rooted--whether wisdom or foolishness-- will always show itself eventually, enthusiastically, unashamedly, and publicly. It can't hide, nor deny itself, no matter the environment, arena, or stage. 

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