'Be anxious for nothing..." ~Philippians 4:6

Monday, November 6, 2023


This morning, I saw that a small painting of mine (that had been on display at a Juneteenth event in 2022), was sold on Poshmark.

I’ve seen the Poshmark commercials on television, but never gave the company a second thought. This morning, however, I searched for, and found an invite code, and opened my own account…lol

Some things have the potential to cause you to walk through life offended, disheartened, skeptical, and confused. Other things, however, are peculiar motivators. 

I admit, I’m not sure how to feel about it all, but I did feel a little push. It was a bit of a surprise seeing my own work in a marketplace, (considering and remembering the last time I’d seen the painting, and the circumstances in which it had left my hands.)

I have to respect anyone’s hutzpah and hustle, I suppose, seeing as though my own is practically non-existent. I don’t think there was anything malicious or nefarious afoot. Sometimes, you have to part with things, for any number of reasons, but a few things became clearer this morning:

1. When in the possession of someone else, what was once yours, can suddenly become worth a little bit more. 

2. Everyone is not looking at what you do with admiration or appreciation. They’re not intending to keep or cherish it. They’re figuring how they can use it, repurpose it, or make a profit off of it.

3. Your name adds value, even to those who don’t necessarily want or like what you do. They’ll drop it enthusiastically, though, if they think it means something to others.

4. There are those who genuinely do appreciate what you have to offer. Don’t shut them out, be thankful for them—and for Pete’s sake, don’t get discouraged, hide your light, or stop producing.






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