'Be anxious for nothing..." ~Philippians 4:6

Monday, April 8, 2019


Insecurity, envy, arrogance, the need to control, and fear are something else. Sometimes I read social media posts and think to myself, “What bible are THEY reading? When did haughtiness and self-righteousness become things that God loves?” 
There’s a difference between crying aloud and fearmongering, bullying, and manipulation. There’s a lot of comparing going on; a lot of finger pointing and critique. If holiness is what some declare it is, I’ll pass. Everything about this so-called holiness is external, and smacks of oppression. 
The day that an individual, who possesses a human heart, considers him or herself perfect is a sad and dark one. God goes from being sovereign to a subordinate sidekick. His word diminishes and one’s choices, actions, and words become the standard— a standard that is deliberately impossible to achieve. 
Social media has spawned a new crop of Pharisees and Sadducees, and the filthy rags are proudly waving, but clearly forgetting to examine themselves, and definitely forgetting how desperately Christ’s sacrifice was needed— and not just for everyone else. 
Denominations, mis-education, selective Bible reading, and church traditions have really done a number on people, rendering them offensive, merciless, ignorant, and downright nutty. It says “peculiar people” not spooky, mean-spirited, catty people. 
No one wants to meet or know someone if you have poorly represented or introduced them. Thankfully, it motivates people to get clarity; to seek the truth for themselves. If I don’t know someone, I might be inclined to believe what you say about them, especially if you claim to know them. When I get to know them, however, and your pronouncements and opinions prove to be horribly off, it makes me leery of you.

It bears repeating: God does what He wants, when, where, how, and with whom He wants. He is still drawing people to Himself; still instructing, equipping and directing. He has not lost control. Never has; never will. He will never be without a witness to his power, goodness, faithfulness, patience, and kindness. 

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