'Be anxious for nothing..." ~Philippians 4:6

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Every time you turn around there's someone shining their light in arenas that others have foolishly claimed as theirs--and it's positively pissing folk off because they are SURE that they're more deserving. If something really belonged to someone else, they wouldn't be asking YOU how to get it, fighting to keep it, killing themselves to maintain its facade, or begging for a hook-up to get in, now, would they? They've been breaking their necks, running from pillar to post, trying to be seen and make a name for themselves--even at the expense and detriment of their faith, health, and even family. Pray for those who compete with you without informing you that you are in their game.

Don't ever, EVER let someone's insecurity, bullying, arrogance, or desperate ambition cause you to purposely shrink, or doubt yourself. Don't be moved by their words. Don't be intimidated by their presence. Theirs is not a place of strength, but of weakness. Pushy, jealous, opportunistic, self-centered folk are like that. Don't sweat what people think they're denying you. They are not your source. Sometimes you have to quietly remind people, by your life, that the Earth is the Lord's, he doesn't play favorites, and is neither broke nor running out of plans, opportunities or resources. Tell them that God uses who he wants, when, and how he wants--and you keep shining. They'll get over themselves, and leave you alone when they realize that hate and envy are killers worse than cancer.
You're going to BE okay, not because of what you can do, or you are, but because of who God is. You only want what's in HIS hands...: )

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