'Be anxious for nothing..." ~Philippians 4:6

Wednesday, February 5, 2025


When one doesn’t know better, one will reach over, and throw away an opportunity to entertain and experience excellence, in order to entertain a mediocre trend.

Offense and outrage, over perceived disrespect, will drastically diminish or disappear altogether, and be replaced by amusement and even a little pity, when you consider who’s making determinations and decisions concerning what, and who’s relevant. When the level of expertise, knowledge, experience, and maturity of those tasked to declare what’s good, groundbreaking, worthy of recognition, timeless, excellent, or a priority, is revealed, a lot of stuff—a lot  of decisions, rankings, invitations, representations, and lists—suddenly make sense. 

Ignorance will always pick wrong, prop up what isn’t good, not know what’s in its grasp, and regret it later. 

Excellence is proven and secure. The discerning know better than to kick it to the curb. Slights don’t take anything away from excellence, though. It shines wherever it is—or is relegated to.

The ability to applaud the achievements of others is a learned behavior, that will never materialize in a climate of envy, jealousy, bigotry, false narratives, immaturity, or insecurity.

People can’t respect what, or who they don’t know, refuse to learn about (or from), or objectively experience. 

Unnecessarily competitive people are always worried about someone outshining them, so they fear excellence. They will always try to pit creatives against each other, and even keep standards low. If creatives aren’t careful, they’ll fall into the game, and forfeit potentially beneficial personal and working relationships.

Excellence, however, is all around, will always be sought after, and can’t be replaced—no matter how much it is dismissed or overlooked. It loses none of its credibility just because mediocrity doesn’t, or stubbornly refuses to recognize, respect, or embrace it.

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