'Be anxious for nothing..." ~Philippians 4:6

Friday, February 7, 2025


There are many reasons why some people won’t ever speak up about, object to, do something about, or report what is blatantly wrong:

1. They agree with it. They don’t see a problem. If they thought they could get away with it, they’d do it, too.

2. They personally or financially benefit from it. They’ll spin or justify it, to appease a guilty conscience, or avoid incriminating themselves.

3. They’re in denial, or ashamed. It’s easier to keep quiet, than to admit they were used, fooled, or misled by someone they supported or trusted.

4. They’ve been threatened. They’re afraid—no—terrified of what will happen if they inform, expose, disagree, oppose, or protest.

5. They’re guilty of the same thing. Speaking up would be hypocritical, or would expose a secret, or past indiscretion.

6. They’ve been bribed. It’s to their advantage to keep quiet.

7. They don’t think the repercussions will affect them—just other people.

8. They don’t think anyone will listen, or believe them. There’s a history of inaction, disbelief, or apathy by those they thought would care.

9. They don’t know who to trust.

10. They’re waiting for someone else, who they think has more power, responsibility, credibility, or authority, to handle it.

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