'Be anxious for nothing..." ~Philippians 4:6

Tuesday, October 15, 2024



So…At the end of the day, my little sister sends funny videos to my big sister and me. (It’s a continuation of my late father’s habit of watching something funny before bed. He used to say that it cleansed your mind of other, perhaps, unpleasant stuff that happened during the day.) 
The videos are the kind that challenge your self-control, and your good Christian upbringing that forbids you to laugh at people— because it’s not nice
Before you know it, however, your body overrules your attempt to keep it together. You’re snickering uncontrollably, (like the person who filmed the video), asking for forgiveness, and telling yourself, “You know you’re wrong for that.”

There’s something about trying to stifle a laugh, while wrestling with whether something is funny or not. IS there a line? 

You want to think that your first instinct, would be to hope that those who slipped, tripped, fell, were startled, embarrassed, made a mess, or a mistake, are okay, and not destined for a hospital. Instead, you’re in tears, saying “I’m sorry” to people who can’t hear you, hoping you’re not securing a cushy spot in hell, and unable to stop yourself from rewatching, to see what you missed. 

The wedding video she sent, is titled correctly. I, too, have so many questions. I’m sure the “concept of a plan” made sense in someone’s head, but the execution was hilarious. 

Yes. I watched it numerous times (and laughed every time). I think the hat floating in the water summed up the whole situation. I hoped everyone could swim, and no one else fell in. I’m not a complete heathen.

I do submit, though, that the lady in the white pantsuit, who stepped in to help with the bride’s train, after two splashes were heard (Yes. I counted), was the reason PawPaw ended up in the cement pond. I imagine that at the wedding rehearsal, he practiced the side-to-side, two-step march up the plank, handed the bride off to the groom, turned around and walked back down the plank with no problem. Perhaps he didn’t have on his church shoes at the rehearsal, which gave him a little more traction. (New, formal shoes, water, and marble or ceramic tile do not mix.)

The problem was when he turned, and saw the lady in the white pantsuit. 

“Sylvia! What are you doing here?” 

Being the gentleman I’m sure he is, he two-stepped back so that “Sylvia”, who was not at rehearsal, could pass and go back to her seat. Unfortunately, he forgot how narrow the plank was—or hadn’t noticed when the maids of honor toppled into the cement pond on the opposite shore.

Beige suit guy rushes to help, but never put his phone down. He was not going to miss capturing PawPaw getting fished out of the pond. 

PawPaw just stood, dumbfounded in the water, surrounded by people who didn’t know whether to lend a hand (lest they, too, get their fancy outfits wet), or let him crawl out on his own.

Burgundy suit guy wasn’t even trying to help. He just stood on the shore, in his shiny shoes, not thinking about the peril he may have been in. Had he not seen PawPaw get too close to the edge?

I wish I knew how it all ended, but I do appreciate the laugh, as I appreciate ALL laughs.

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