'Be anxious for nothing..." ~Philippians 4:6

Thursday, October 24, 2024


It matters who comprises a committee, team, cabinet, or board. Areas of expertise ought to be a major consideration when appointments are made, and duties are delegated.

Being seen, having the title, telling others what to do, or feeling important, aren’t enough. Criticism, cynicism, obstruction, sabotage, and complaints, fueled by ignorance or insecurity, can’t be the only things one brings to the table. Nothing will ever get done.

Experience, intelligence, priorities, and competence, have a way of driving input, and eliminate wastes of time, energy, and resources. An aversion to it all, yields mediocrity.

It’s wonderful when the people planning and making decisions about a thing, aren’t amateurs, wannabes, know-it-alls, or control freaks, but can actually DO a thing, are well-versed, efficient, invested, capable, and caring about the people their decisions are going to impact. 

Excellence can’t help but be the result.

People who know what they’re doing, are a godsend, and should be a first choice, not an unwelcome afterthought, or perceived threat.

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