'Be anxious for nothing..." ~Philippians 4:6

Monday, January 31, 2022


Why do we have to be extraordinary

In order to be acceptable

While mediocre fits the bill

For others who seek to lead?

Why do we have to be extraordinary

In order to make them comfortable

Why must our resumes be full

Of skills sets they don't need?

Why do we have to be extraordinary

In order to sit at tables where

Others pull up without a care

Nor fear they don't belong?

Why do we have to be extraordinary

And subject to the scrutiny

Of crushing mediocrity

Gross ignorance; stupidity

As if nothing is wrong?

Why do we have to be extraordinary?

Since when is competence a foe?

(Your excellence is powerful

Your mind makes them uncomfortable

It kills their narrative)

Why do we have to be extraordinary

Ancestors said, "Be twice as good"

It's evident they understood

The playing field would not be fair

We’ve no prerogative

Why do we have to be extraordinary?

Should we excel anywhere

We'd have to leave no stone un-turned

We'd have to prove all that we've learned

As goalposts moved about

Why do we have to be extraordinary? 

Sterling achievements whited out

But we know what that's all about

They, too, are quite aware

While sowing seeds of doubt

Why do we have to be extraordinary

While others, with bare minimum

Decide how systems should be run

Judging and ranking everyone;

Making arbitrary demands

Why do we have to be extraordinary?

At what point do we say "Enough"?

Expose the slick and shady stuff;

Centuries-old fear and bigotry

That seek to crush equality

Snatch away opportunity


Just because they can?


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