'Be anxious for nothing..." ~Philippians 4:6

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


I noticed that carefully chosen words will force an individual to adjust his or her demeanor...even for a little while...even if they don't want to..."son of a barkeep"...See? Let someone say something complimentary that you didn't know that they knew. You'll forget what you were all balled-up about, relax, and act like a human being...for a little while...
Don't let other people make YOU the poster child for THEIR beef. Why engage in throwing shade? I thought about a Barney Fife line. "You still sore, Ange? Your jaw muscles are workin'".

Have a mind of your own. You don't have to agree with everything, but don't be so hateful and poised to disagree that you hear nothing. Just because THEY'RE mad, YOU don't have to be. Don't forfeit potentially good relationships because you're trying to "support" someone else in the drama and unpleasantness that THEY started. 
Unclench your jaw. Fix your face. Be authentic. Smile, agree, and clap if you want to. 
Be free...: )

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