'Be anxious for nothing..." ~Philippians 4:6

Thursday, August 25, 2016


Comedian Steve Harvey said, "There are some people who take their brain power and use it the wrong way."

Ain't that the truth.

Many social media users skip finding out whether what they share is true, because it fits an existing narrative, confirms suspicions, feeds their fears, injures someone they don't like, gives them the empty honor of being the first to break the news ...or they're just plain lazy. 

Once a hastily spread lie or misinformation is out, it's awfully difficult to retract it. Someone is always going to believe it even if it's been refuted...over and over again...year after year. Everything is not newsworthy. Reputations are forever tarnished because one person didn't think before they clicked "post", "share", or "send".

Juicy though the tidbit may be, anything shared, while seated at a computer, or holding a smart phone, can be verified in the same amount of time it took to post it. 
We really have to care enough to take that time--and it's not much.

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