Saturday, June 21, 2014


The internet has added a new twist to spring cleaning...I ran across a green vase I've had for a very long time. As I was wondering whether to keep it, give it away or toss it, I turned it upside down to see if there was something to identify the maker...I was hoping it was Blenko glass, but the stamp on the bottom read, "E.O. Brody, Cleveland, Ohio". Now I'm curious about "Depression glass".....I think I'll keep it--and fill it with flowers.

When you've taken everything out (and I mean everything), you realize that not everything has to be put back...some stuff can go to others. Some stuff should be in a place of prominence, and some stuff needs to go. How many hand mixers, candle holders, and vases does one need? Some things are reminders of long ago abandoned color schemes--that someone else could now be embracing and enjoying. Some things are positively unidentifiable. "What is this? What did it go to? What is it for?" Someone else may have lost or misplaced their whatchamacalit and could use it...Thrift Store, here I come.

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