Sunday, February 7, 2021


This voice, meek and trembling
struggling to find words
This voice, void of arrogance
I’ve never heard before
This voice, full of angst
Is strange and low
It recognizes power greater than itself
And hopes for its humility to show

This voice laden with passion
Evident of tears once shed
Speaks more honestly than it ever has
It hopes its audience will be compassionate
And finds the mercy it so needs, is always there

This voice cares not if I can hear
Its message ebbs and flows
Its tone and fervor proves it doesn’t care
What others think of its lament
It’s mercy that it seeks

It knows better than to ask what’s right or fair
It silences itself, and is replaced by whimpering
An exhausting task 
It knows it tried
The speaker finally resigns to listen, and to learn
In doing so he’s graced with peace of mind


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