Friday, October 2, 2020


Damage control, gaslighting, spin

Each day a nation grieves

Should one expect one to reject

What one truly believes?

At this stage, nothing's shocking

There's no more to explain

There's nothing left to understand

One's own words made it plain

The ball was set in motion 

Before many were born

It's strength maintained

The speed it's gained

Some cheer, while others mourn

Though powerless to stop it

Many tried and failed

Even those who paved it's way

Have seen their plans curtailed

It's rolled over those who were sure

They could keep it in play

It's bigger than the game now

Though never planned that way

The cost that's been required

To settle the damage done

Has made it necessary

To burden everyone

But in each generation

Emerges those who feel

The ball is in their favor

Its loyalty is real

The ball is no one's plaything

It won't be commandeered

Once it was set in motion

Empathy disappeared

It has so infected some, that reasoning is gone

Rather than renounce the stain

And finally be done

They wear it as a badge of honor

Proudly spewing hate

Abandoning civility most would appreciate

It's hard to stop the ball now

Stopping it would require

A massive change of hearts and minds

Only God can inspire

But what is so ironic, is

He's the first one they cite

As their great inspiration

And why they think they're right

To ostracize His children

Whose skin is not like theirs

And use Him as a weapon

In their ghastly affairs

But soon, it will be over

The constant stress and strife

The ignorance-fueled enemy

Of liberty and life

The fear-based, backward thinking

That pollutes so many minds

Will take its place in history

And Hell, where evil finds

Itself sharing close quarters

With those who spent their lives

Making life worse for others

They foolishly despised

History won't be the least bit kind

Its criticism's sure

Of this disgraceful point in time

But those who do endure

Will like, in times past do their best

To teach a better way

To lead with hope; integrity

That's so needed today


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