Friday, October 2, 2020


It happened. I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner. Maybe now, people will understand that this virus is neither political, partial, nor playing.

The suffering that Covid-19 has caused isn't something to be wished on one's worst enemy. Even those who mocked, denied, flaunted, dared, and minimized the pandemic don't deserve its vicious consequences. 

There is an inclination to say, "I told you so"; to cite the irony or karma, or to withhold compassion and empathy when those who refused to take the virus seriously become infected, or lose their lives. It's hard to fight the inclination to pile on. "When will they ever learn? It's a !!*&$%$##@! virus!!!!" 

The death toll is inexcusable. It did not have to be this way. When those who could have done more, failed miserably, lied repeatedly, sabotaged, hoarded, or downplayed the seriousness, and then find themselves infected, are exposed, it's tricky not to feel some kind of way; It's a struggle not to express glee, or be a jerk, but when you've seen God's work, you fight the inclination. You arrest your thoughts and watch your words.

Payback is a dog...a big, rabid dog.

Proverbs 24:17-18 cautions against gloating, even if it seems warranted or appropriate. The last thing I want is for God to favor my enemies because I let my humanity lapse. Even unbearable people are, nonetheless, people. News of affliction has inspired celebration, sarcasm, insults and mockery on social media, and as justified as it may seem, it's just not a good idea. As difficult as it is sometimes, taking the high road is the only wise way to go. 

There's one thing about being a Christian and having a reference book: If you're not sure how you're supposed to feel, it'll give you a sobering heads up. 

"Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when they stumble, do not let your heart rejoice when he stumbles, or the LORD will see and disapprove, and turn his wrath away from them."

 "...let none rejoice over the fate of evildoers, lest God punish their wrong spirit by relieving the sufferer." ~Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary

"The pleasure we are apt to take in the troubles of an enemy is forbidden." ~Matthew Henry

"To a malignant mind, no severer blow could be given than to see a foe recover God's favor, and rise from his fall. The moralist, then, warns the disciple against giving way to this pleasure at others misfortunes, lest he prepare, for HIMSELF, bitter mortification by having to witness the restoration of the hated one--OR by being HIMSELF made to suffer that evil which he had rejoiced to see his neighbor experience." ~Pulpit Commentary on Proverbs 24:17-18

"...For though nobody sees it, GOD does; and such affections are so displeasing to him, that they may provoke him to translate the calamity from thy enemy unto THEE, and thereby damp thy sinful joy with a double sorrow.” ~Benson Commentary

" rejoicing at an enemy, he is doing his enemy good, and himself hurt." ~Gill's Exposition






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