Sunday, February 9, 2020


Is it habit, parroting, manipulative, cruel, encouraging, hype, a patience builder, a con job, or prophetic? If God does nothing else, my mind, concerning His actions, is sufficiently “blown”.

I admit, I hear, “God’s getting ready to...” and chuckle sometimes. It’s as if God is teasing or procrastinating; like He’s delaying gratification for dramatic effect; as if He’s biting his bottom lip, wide-eyed, giddy, and bobbing, weaving, and rocking back and forth like a little girl trying to decide when’s the best time to jump into Double Dutch ropes, so that she can dazzle everybody with fancy moves that most never knew, or doubted she even had. 

What does God’s prep look like? Is it signaled by the global chaos, tragedy, upheaval, and bad news we’re exposed to 24/7? Is this the stage and time for us to pull up a seat, grab some popcorn, and watch him work?

I don’t know what he’s getting ready to do, but I woke up today very grateful for what He’s done. 

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