Friday, February 7, 2020


I don’t know who drew it, but I like this illustration. I imagine there are a lot of people who need a hug right about now. It’s a wonder we don’t all drink. From Iowa to China to DC, there’s a whole lot of craziness going on. We’re discouraging integrity and empowering dishonesty; booing truth and applauding lies.

Who knew how many people could be bought; how many formerly principled people could play dumb and shut their eyes? 
There is, of course, nothing new under the Sun. This wackiness, too, shall pass. History won’t be kind to the principal players, though.
I watched some of the gloating fest yesterday. I’m not a doctor, but something is not right. I actually am praying. Never mind impeachment or removal. I’m praying for someone who genuinely cares to intervene. I’m not a fan, but is there no one who loves him? Not as a leader, or a wealthy man, but as a human being? 

I’m not a fan of blind loyalty, either. Marching in lockstep behind an unprincipled individual is unwise. Excusing untenable behavior is how brats and monsters are made—and what ever convinces anyone that a disloyal individual won’t turn on them, too? Maybe people were blackmailed, bribed, or threatened into complicity before, but they shouldn’t relax now. More of their souls will be required.

There’s admiration and respect, and then there’s narcissistic suppliers and opportunistic brown nosers. Leaders, it matters who’s in your circle. The people with whom you surround yourselves, matter. Are they smart? Thoughtful? Objective? Discerning? Honest? Brave?  Sober? Sane? Are you mentoring like Jesus, or collecting yes-men, enablers, and bootlickers? 
Those who don’t care will prop you up at your absolute worst as long as they are in the shot; they’ll cheer everything you say and do; they’ll co-sign and repeat lies and celebrate unwise decisions. They’ll be too invested, compromised, or afraid to tell you the truth, but will ridicule you behind your back. 
Choose wisely— and every now and then talk to people who have nothing to gain from you.

‪There are evil people in this world; so evil that they don’t even realize it. Their hearts are hardened and their minds are twisted. If not for those who enable, ignore, and minimize their actions, they’d not be able to inflict so much pain, and cause so much chaos. But, the world has always had evil people in it. They always lose eventually. No one ever gets away with anything. I am genuinely afraid for them. No one should trifle with the grace they’re being shown. So many leaders are too busy reveling in their perceived victories, conquests, schemes, and power to remember how fragile they are. 

Evil won’t  reign forever. In that, I find great comfort. It relieves— no erases— the anxiety and fear I’d otherwise have each day. There was a reminder in the rain today.

#beanxiousfornothing ‬

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