Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Many forfeit the opportunity to speak truth and reason to power--whether that power is actual, perceived, or imagined,
1. they assume that the powerful won't listen

2. they're afraid of the response the powerful will give

3. they don't want to risk losing their perceived standing or position within the powerful person's circle

4. they've erroneously concluded that they are special or favored by the powerful, or 

5. they've been convinced that speaking up to the powerful is somehow disrespectful.

It's not just in the halls of government. It's everywhere
People are strangely, and often shockingly mum when it counts the most, and too full of words when they should really be quiet. If nothing else, what people say, or don't say, proves where they stand. 
Some aren't even good at hiding their true motives. 
Hypocrisy and backpedaling are quite a pair. 
Greed, selfishness and deceit can never masquerade for genuine concern.

Many will hear a lie, KNOW it's a lie, but will accept, defend, justify, ignore, minimize, and even put a spin on it. 
They don't want to risk being subject to the mistreatment others suffer, ostracized, or demeaned, so they choose not to rock the boat, but some boats could use a good rocking. 
Lies don't need dressing up. They need to be exposed.

Why anyone thinks a disloyal, self-absorbed, arrogant, dishonest person wont turn on them, and throw them under a bus without justification or warning, too, is beyond me.
If you have to fear speaking the truth, lie, censor yourself, be two-faced, or check your common sense, brain, and integrity at the door in order to remain in ANY relationship, you don't really HAVE one. 
Don't delude yourself into thinking you're secure. 
How close ARE you if you can't be honest, or are afraid to, or discouraged from expressing your genuine thoughts? 
How  frequently are you looking the other way, and trying to pretend you are ignorant or unaffected? 
Some things aren't right, and there comes a time when you just have to say so--and risk offending, shocking, or at least waking up those who make a habit of being offensive.
Why should you have to wear one face when addressing one person or group, and another the rest of the time? Pick a side--preferably the righteous one.

Good luck trying to convince thinking people to understand why you won't support the truth, and regularly make excuses for a liar. Don't be surprised if your own credibility suffers. 
Better to have someone mad at you for saying what needs to be said, than to be a party to deceit, misinformation, mistreatment, or injustice.

Right always wins.

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