Monday, June 26, 2017


A wise person said, "Some people are frustrated because their schemes failed." Others are frustrated because they've tried EVERYTHING, and were SURE that YOU would have failed, or let them chase you away by now.
You may have tied up your Chuck Taylor's in the past, and maybe it was your HABIT, or the easy thing to do, but your running days are OVER--not because you're tired or out of shape, but because you are no longer afraid, in denial, wearing blinders, or intimidated. 
Speak truth, and speak it boldly. You cried your LAST tear YESTERDAY.

WHO'S IN YOUR EAR? Don't mess around listening to shady people and find yourself in a pickle. Open your eyes. Don't check your discernment at the door. Know FOR SURE who has your back, and who is standing back there with a meat cleaver.
Only some kind of NEW fool thinks they get to sow seeds of discord in your space--be it at work, home, or play--while they enjoy peace in theirs, and you're going to keep quiet about it, or roll over. In the words of the great philosopher Deputy Barney Fife, "Nip it in the bud!"
Don't lift your foot, but just look down and let that snake know you SEE him...or her. Remind yourself that your God is BIG, and you have ALL of the receipts for his work on your behalf. When you ask righteous people to pray, that's just what the heck they do--and you get results--SUDDENLY!
Keep doin' what you've been doin'. It's right, reasonable, honorable and it's working!

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