Sunday, July 6, 2014


When he gets a hold of my phone or computer, my littlest nephew always wants to search for all things "Sonic the Hedgehog". 
He commandeered my laptop, once again, looked at numerous versions of Sonic, and then zeroed in on one. It was a 5 inch action figure from the "Black Knight" series. 
"This is it! This is the one!" 
They all looked the same to me, but he was very specific about which figure he wanted--and was sure I was willing, AND had the means to obtain it for him. 
There were some available at ebay, Amazon, and ToysRUs. 
Most of the ones he clicked on, shipped from outside of the country, and the shipping charges would be more expensive than the actual toy. 
I tried to persuade him to choose another one. 
He was adamant about the one he saw. 
It was that or nothing. I admired his commitment.

Clearly I was ignorant about the authenticity of the toys, and he explained the color schemes, story lines, and purposes of Sonic. 
Impressed, I told him that if he could find one that would be shipped from somewhere in the U.S., I'd get it for him. 
He kept searching. "California is in America, isn't it, Nessa?" 
I found a U.S. map, and told him to look and see. With his little finger, he traced the map. 
He was heading toward the Pacific Ocean and was getting a little worried, then let out a yell when he saw the letters. 
"C-A-L-I-F-O-R-N-I-A! There it is!" 
He then counted the number of states between California and Maryland. 
His little countenance changed. 
He figured it would take a very, very long time for the toy to arrive, but he assured me that he was willing to wait. 
"Are you gonna get it for me? Can you order it today?" 
I knew he could have it in a day if I was willing to pay for the

I'd had the toy for about a month or so when I finally gave it to him. (My sister thought that the end of the school year would be a good time, since he'd done so well). 
I went to my sister's house, and he met me at the door. 
I'd mentioned something about the toy each time I saw him, and he could hardly contain his excitement. To see his little face light up just melted my heart. He knew I had a bag behind my back, and the contents of the bag were for him. 
He opened the bag, then the package, and handled the toy like it was pure gold. 
He turned and flipped it, and noticed all of the points of articulation. 
"I've never had a toy like this in my life!...This is a great toy...This is a great DAY!", he said. 

I imagine that almost 7 years on Earth IS a long time for a little kid, and their estimations of their experiences, and what's extraordinary, MAY seem over the top. 
That's the delight of a little kid, I guess. 
It doesn't take much to make them happy.

 Faithfulness is something they depend upon. 
There are things, I suppose, none of us should ever lose, like patience, gratitude and joy. 
His happiness made ME happy. 
The toy didn't make a dent in my wallet, but the emotions he demonstrated made me feel as if I'd given him a million dollars--or whatever the equivalent of that would be in the mind of a six-and-a-half year old. 
He also made me want to see that smiling face again and again. 
He told me all about Sonic's gold alter ego "Excalibur" as he played. 
He has a figure but, apparently his sword is broken, and his body is missing. 
I had to stifle a laugh, and was impressed that he knew and could pronounce the word "Excalibur" doesn't know it yet, but I placed another order. 
His faith in me let me know I don't ever want to let him down. 
I don't always have to buy something, nor do I have to have a gift every time I see him, but I think he knows I just love him, and will keep my word--and he simply can't have a bodiless action figure, now, can he?

The whole thing made me think about my relationship with God. 
He knows what I want, and how badly I want it. 
I know better than to ask Him for certain things, but if something is in line with his will for me, I don't mind waiting on Him to deliver. 
I know that he loves me. 
I know what he is capable of, and I know that his timing is perfect, and his word is good.

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