Sunday, October 9, 2011


I woke up very early, and actually got up--which is always a clear sign that I actually like where I've planned to go.

Summer made a return appearance today. It was beautiful.

I had such a lovely time worshiping with the Crossover Church family. 
Who doesn't need a refresher in the art of breaking strongholds? 
I can't say it enough, how critical it is to hear, not just good preaching and teaching, but sound, biblical truth. 
It was also great to hear a testimony of complete healing from Cancer, and hear that former Cancer patient pray for others. 

I'd just made it across the sanctuary threshold and into the sunshine, before I was tested on just how well I remembered and intended to apply the teaching I'd heard. 
The devil really wastes no time. 
Joy stealers, though drama-filled, aren't that crafty, and they only have the power and time you give them. 
It's good when incoming negative words can be immediately arrested and overtaken by fresh, positive, powerful ones. 
You've got to know what molehills are trying to make you think they're mountains. 
You've got to know: to what nonsense you are going to invest even the tiniest amount of time and attention?
Sometimes, you have to turn off your phone, and revert back to the days when folk just had to wait until you got home--and even then, it was up to you whether you returned a call or not. 
Sometimes, people only seem intimidating, but they're really operating out of a place of weakness. They want to draw you into to things that mean so little. 
Nothing you say or do will matter if they're convinced they actually have an argument or valid point. They don't really want to know what you think. They want your consent
They want you to agree. 
When you can't or won't, they're mad. 
When you refuse to adopt their logic, something must be wrong with you. 
So, you just let them keep thinking that they know of which they speak--let them continue to affirm their rightness---and you? Well, you totally ignore the noise and keep your peace! 
Trying to reason with a fool would have been taking wrongness to an entirely new level, especially on a spectacular day like today.

Dinner at Friday's was so enjoyable. It's nice to dine with friends, enjoy good conversation, laugh a lot--and be surrounded by umpteen football games. 
I was actually full after the fried green beans appetizer. 
I must have been really full, because even the vanilla bean cheesecake will be spending the night in the freezer.

I'm here, so I clearly fought off the tugging of the Sunday-after-church nap. 
It really has been a pleasant, overcoming day. 

"I think I'm gonna sleep well tonight".

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