'Be anxious for nothing..." ~Philippians 4:6

Thursday, October 13, 2011


It just seemed odd. 
Why was the guy just sitting on the ground in the rain? 
He seemed fidgety. 
He'd taken off his hood, then just as quickly, put it back on. 
Was he waiting for a ride? 
Had he locked himself out? 
Did he even live here? 
Was he a stalker? 
Was he homeless? 
Why did his actions seem so suspicious? 
Every now and then he'd reach into his pocket, and take a drink. 
It could have been liquor the way he was swigging it. It could have just as well been orange juice. 

Who was he? 
People passed by on the sidewalk, and he'd turn in the opposite direction. 
The mailman came, but the guy never moved. 
No one seemed to acknowledge him.
I left the window, and went back to my work. 
Almost an hour later, the guy was still sitting there on the cold, hard ground.

I dialed 911 not knowing whether to ask for the police or an ambulance. 
The last time, it was an easy choice. 
A young woman had passed out on the sidewalk outside the gate. She was so drunk, she was unresponsive. It was raining that time, too--no. 
It was pouring. I grabbed a blanket and went outside. The ambulance came, and they took her away. 
How many people had simply passed her by? 
I wish I knew if she was okay.

Last night a noise prompted me to go to the door. 
A man in tan clothing was staggering up the stairs to the 3rd floor. He stopped, stumbled, and coughed as if his lungs were in serious trouble. 
I never heard keys, or a door opening or closing. 
I opened the door, and heard a loud moan. 
I didn't call 911. 
A brave neighbor came out of her home, and told him he had to leave. 
He said he was sorry, and even in his drunkenness, told her he loved her. 
The door was open, he said, so he just walked on in. Maybe he thought he was at his own home. 
He had planned to sleep in the hallway on the landing. 
He reeked of urine and alcohol, but he made his way down the stairs and out into the drizzle.

I wondered if I had done the right thing last night. Maybe the drunk man needed medical attention even though he said he didn't. 
Maybe he needed a place to sleep. 
Maybe wandering aimlessly into places where he didn't live was his MO. 
Maybe he'd done it before, and had just been a little quieter. I don't know.

Early in the morning, weary looking people can be seen emerging from the park across the street, disheveled, disoriented, unbalanced, eyes blazing. Park benches are gathering places--or beds.

So much happens in the lives of men and women that cause them to turn on themselves; to stop caring; to check out temporarily.
I wondered if my hesitation to call 911 last night caused me to overreact this morning? 
When the ambulance came, the EMS worker got out and asked something of the guy who'd been sitting in the rain. Apparently the answer was satisfactory, because the ambulance left as quickly as it came. False alarm.
I suppose, your suspicious may be someone's normal.


Sometimes it feels really great to recommend someone. You're excited to. You don't even have to think about it. You just know they're going to be perfect for a task--a real asset--and the opportunity may even change the course of their lives--or at least put a few extra needed dollars in their pockets or purse. Unfortunately, you can't recommend everyone--even as much as you'd like to. Some folk are very good at what they do, but their reputations precede them and their attitudes...well...they suck. It's not long before it's revealed that their contribution to a thing isn't worth the headache everyone involved would have to endure. You can't deny that they're talented, but they're also bossy, arrogant, uncooperative, rude, conceited, strife-loving, gossipy, dishonest, unnecessarily competitive, critical, tactless, pushy, self-centered or just plain batty. They're just not going act right. Maybe they can't help it, don't realize it, or think it's acceptable, CHIC even, but they just don't get it. Lousy behavior casts an awful light on amazing talent. It leaves you feeling a certain kind of way when you're asked about people, and have to muster up every ounce of tact you have, and recall the mantra of every mother in the universe: "If you can't find something good to say, don't say anything at all.". It's kinda sad, especially when you're keenly aware, and eternally grateful that someone took a chance on you--based on a recommendation.


Everyone will not like you, or want you around. 
Some folk are on a mission to make sure the picture doesn't include others, and have no qualms demonizing them. 
You, however, have to take a stand. 
If you're going to be annoyed with, or dislike someone, shouldn't it be your choice? 
Does it make sense to be mad just because someone else is? Huh? What is THAT about? 
You're supposed to suddenly change your opinion of someone, when they have done NOTHING to justify it? 
One person decides not to communicate with someone; has a hidden, unresolved or unfounded issue; jumps to the wrong conclusion, or just needs Jesus, and now EVERYBODY is supposed to be mad and ostracize, too? 
That's not solidarity. 
That's not support. 
That's just stupid. 

Do we really want others to uphold us in immaturity, wrongdoing, backward thinking, or denial? 
People miss out on wonderful friendships when they hop on someone's bandwagon of ill will. 
If someone has done you absolutely no harm--ever--what on Earth are you mad at them about? 
It CAN'T be because of what someone ELSE said! What if there is an obvious bias? 
You've got to acknowledge that the judgment of people you know, trust, or love, can have its off days, too. 

Endeavor to get WHOLE stories, because there's ALWAYS a viewpoint to which you may not be privy if you only listen to one side. 
Don't let selfish, paranoid, unreasonably ambitious, unnecessarily competitive, jealous, strife-loving people keep you at odds with others, and cause you to miss, or turn down great opportunities, resources, relationships.
Have a mind of your own--and if you want to know something, ASK. 
Make sure, of course, that its any of your business.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


There are so many days when I wish I could talk to my mother. Sometimes I look at pictures of her and remember her voice; her words. It's a good thing. She was a very wise, witty woman. I don't want her words to be in vain. I can't tell her anymore that I was listening, but I was...: )

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Every time you turn around, there's someone shining their light in arenas that others have foolishly claimed as theirs--and it's positively pissing folk off because they are SURE that they're more deserving.

If something really belonged to someone else, they wouldn't be asking YOU how to get it, fighting to keep it, killing themselves to maintain its facade, or begging for a hook-up to get in, now, would they? They've been breaking their necks, running from pillar to post, trying to be seen, and make a name for themselves--even at the expense and to the detriment of their faith, health, and even family. 
Pray for those who compete with you without informing you that you are in their game.

Don't ever, EVER let someone's insecurity, bullying, arrogance, or desperate ambition cause you to purposely shrink, or doubt yourself. 
Don't be moved by their words. 
Don't be intimidated by their presence. 
Theirs is not a place of strength, but of weakness. Pushy, jealous, opportunistic, self-centered folk are like that. 
Don't sweat what people think they're denying you. They are not your source. 
Sometimes you have to quietly remind people, by your life, that the Earth is the Lord's, he doesn't play favorites, and is neither broke nor running out of plans, opportunities or resources. 
Tell them that God uses who he wants, when, and how he wants--and you keep shining. 
They'll get over themselves, and leave you alone when they realize that hate and envy are killers worse than cancer.

You're going to BE okay, not because of what you can do, or you are, but because of who God is. You only want what's in HIS hands...: )



Sunday, October 9, 2011


I woke up very early, and actually got up--which is always a clear sign that I actually like where I've planned to go.

Summer made a return appearance today. It was beautiful.

I had such a lovely time worshiping with the Crossover Church family. 
Who doesn't need a refresher in the art of breaking strongholds? 
I can't say it enough, how critical it is to hear, not just good preaching and teaching, but sound, biblical truth. 
It was also great to hear a testimony of complete healing from Cancer, and hear that former Cancer patient pray for others. 

I'd just made it across the sanctuary threshold and into the sunshine, before I was tested on just how well I remembered and intended to apply the teaching I'd heard. 
The devil really wastes no time. 
Joy stealers, though drama-filled, aren't that crafty, and they only have the power and time you give them. 
It's good when incoming negative words can be immediately arrested and overtaken by fresh, positive, powerful ones. 
You've got to know what molehills are trying to make you think they're mountains. 
You've got to know: to what nonsense you are going to invest even the tiniest amount of time and attention?
Sometimes, you have to turn off your phone, and revert back to the days when folk just had to wait until you got home--and even then, it was up to you whether you returned a call or not. 
Sometimes, people only seem intimidating, but they're really operating out of a place of weakness. They want to draw you into to things that mean so little. 
Nothing you say or do will matter if they're convinced they actually have an argument or valid point. They don't really want to know what you think. They want your consent
They want you to agree. 
When you can't or won't, they're mad. 
When you refuse to adopt their logic, something must be wrong with you. 
So, you just let them keep thinking that they know of which they speak--let them continue to affirm their rightness---and you? Well, you totally ignore the noise and keep your peace! 
Trying to reason with a fool would have been taking wrongness to an entirely new level, especially on a spectacular day like today.

Dinner at Friday's was so enjoyable. It's nice to dine with friends, enjoy good conversation, laugh a lot--and be surrounded by umpteen football games. 
I was actually full after the fried green beans appetizer. 
I must have been really full, because even the vanilla bean cheesecake will be spending the night in the freezer.

I'm here, so I clearly fought off the tugging of the Sunday-after-church nap. 
It really has been a pleasant, overcoming day. 

"I think I'm gonna sleep well tonight".

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Last week, I was privy to a rather loud, profane argument. I admit it frightened me at first and I wondered if I should dial 911. The people screaming obscenities at one another were a married couple. In the middle of the fray were their two young children. I could only imagine how anxious and fearful the children were. When the mother realized I was within earshot, she quickly changed her tone. I wanted her to know I was there. I never said a word, but she knew she was over the top. She had the capability to check herself and correct her behavior. I wonder if it was a wake-up call for her. I also wondered how many curse words and creative phrases her children now had under their tiny little belts. It's dangerous business to intervene with a parent and child these days. Many parents won't correct their children, and don't want anyone else correcting them either. You might come away with one eyebrow not singed. Confronting a parent about their own behavior may leave you in an even worse condition.
More recently, someone proudly and publicly shared a video of their toddler. Considering the content, I didn't see anything for which to be proud. While others commented on its cuteness, it did nothing more than cause me to shake my head and wonder if the person who shared it had taken leave of their senses. Sometimes we give people all the ammunition they need to question our fitness--and sanity. Sometimes we simply don't think.  Just because we CAN do, doesn't mean we should. Of course, whether a thing is adorable, funny, harmless, creative or highly inappropriate is up to the viewer or listener. I wanted to respond, but I didn't. In my state of disappointment, my response probably would have been void of all tact. We often forget how things can be misconstrued; how what seems like a minor thing can be blown out of proportion; how our own actions can be used against us. I wondered if my point would have been lost, not received, and--at worst-- more videos would have followed just to show me that, perhaps I need to lighten up. I wonder if I had said something to the angry mother if her ire would have been redirected toward me. I don't know. When it comes to kids, how they're mistreated, manipulated, used, and disregarded, I don't want to lighten up.
Kids are not toys, and parents often fail to realize how precious little time they actually have to properly train a child. Too much of that time is spent exposing children to things their impressionable minds should never hold; teaching them things that they can certainly mimic, but that have no redeemable value. Children really do learn what they live.
You can't blame the media, school, the neighborhood, or other kids when you are the reason your child either has no filter or doesn't know how to use the one they should have. Everything to which children are exposed is not age appropriate or wise. Shame on the parents who fail to recognize their own hand in the mis-education of their children. Sometimes you need look no further than your own mirror when you stupidly ask, "Now, I wonder where my child got THAT from?"
Proverbs 22:6 admonishes, "Train up a child in the way he SHOULD go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." It also explains why there are old idiots.
Sometimes you're not the one to prompt someone see the error of their ways. You may be too close. They'll reject sound advice, swim in denial, take offense, stop speaking, align themselves with fools, prefer to believe the counsel of a liar--even continue to put themselves in harm's way, before they'll say, "Wow. You're right.  I see your point".
Pastor Timothy Seay said, "You are, in essence, a product of whose hand you're in. Who's molding you? Who's shaping you? Who's guiding and directing you?...Just because someone confronts you, doesn't mean they're your enemy..."

Good home training goes a long way.


I had such a nice time at Mt. Ennon Baptist Church today. They dubbed this moment in time, the "Women's Season". Their theme was "Transformed", and every word spoken this afternoon was aimed at the daily discipline, untapped passions or desires, level of commitment, and attitudes of the sisters there.
Every speaker reminded us of the countless benefits there are, as a result of a relationship with God.
It's always nice to see things that are supposedly done in the name of the Lord, done in a spirit of excellence. It's also nice to see women gathering in a pleasant and unified way.
It was an honor to meet Rev. Debra Lynn Haggins, the first woman Chaplain of Hampton University.  Her message was powerful. "Let patience do what folk won't do", she said. "The only way to strengthen your faith is to practice your faith..."

Saturday, October 1, 2011


I'm really proud of Anacostia. 
It's nice not to have to go to downtown DC, Maryland,  or Virginia for a change, for a pleasant atmosphere and good food. 
The Uniontown Grille has become a favorite. 
A visit to a friend's new condo revealed the spectacular views no one believes can be seen from anywhere east of the river.

Don't sleep on SE/SW DC.
It has a lot to offer.