Wednesday, June 2, 2010


What can you do about yesterday? Talk about it incessantly until you make yourself sick? Learn from its blunders? Celebrate its good times? Rehearse its memorable moments? Use it as fuel? Make a shrine to it? Hope you get a case of amnesia and forget it altogether?

Yesterday has purpose. It is a wonderful tool for use today. It can make you a wiser, more thoughtful, more purposeful individual, or a bitter, complaining regretful one.

Even as lousy as you declare that yesterday may have been, you don't have to adopt the lousiness as a way of life. As shocking as yesterday's behaviors were, they don't have to leave you paralyzed and fearful. Yesterday is gone. Yes. Its occurrences have a tendency to creep into today, and potentially dictate how today will flow, but it doesn't have to bulldoze today and render it ineffective, unpleasant or stagnant.

Don't allow anything that occurred yesterday to cause you to miss today or forfeit tomorrow. This-- this one right here--is the day that the Lord has made. If you were too preoccupied, sad, distracted, disillusioned, worried, disappointed, or worn out to rejoice and be glad yesterday, brush off whatever was said or done--or unsaid or undone, and try again today. 
Rejoice. Go ahead. I dare you. You can do it. Be glad. Go on. You can find something, even one thing that will bring a smile to your face...and your smile can be positively contagious.

You're awake. You're alive. Decide that today is going to be the best day. After the yesterday you may have had, you deserve it. Besides, the thoughts that God has for you would pan out so well with your participation...: )

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