Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Go outside
Go outside
Go outside, and see the sun
Go outside
Go outside
Go outside and try to run
You don't have to be
As fast as you were before
Just feel the wind on your face
Don't let it be
A faded memory

Go outside
Go outside
Go outside, refresh yourself
Go outside, could it be that outside
Will serve your health?

Think back when you were young
When every open door
Left you keenly aware of
The commonality that you and Nature share
Nothing could hold you back
Not even pouring rain
Could make you come inside
Get back that joy again

Go outside
Go outside
Go outside
Don't be afraid
Go outside
Go outside
New memories wait to be made
Shake off the tiredness
Take back control and then
Tell yourself, "Self, let's live where the living live"

Go outside
Go outside
Fight; resist the drive to stay
Locked behind double doors
Where blinds and windows weigh
If it's muggy, cool, sunny, or cloudy gray
Don't watch the world go by
Don't miss another day
Make up your mind
You'll be just fine
Go outside
Go outside
Go outside.


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