Saturday, June 19, 2010


I fell asleep with the TV on last night. 
I woke up to the sound of a little girl screaming about a tin man. I continued to watch. It was an episode of "The Outer Limits". 
I love retro TV, so, although I was sleepy, I continued to watch. The episode was titled , "I Robot"
A scientist had created a robot, but as usual, the robot didn't have the capacity to feel. It only followed commands. The scientist died in a freak accident, and of course, everyone accused the robot of murder, and sought to destroy it.
The robot clearly didn't understand its own strength. It rescued a little girl from drowning in a stream, but her arm was broken in the process. The frightened little girl, instead of being grateful, could only see the harm that was done. 
It's sad when you don't recognize when you're being helped.

The robot remembered everything, and wasn't capable of lying. It only gave the facts. As I watched I, as usual, God was watching with me-- and talking. I realized there were so many practical and spiritual implications for today. 
1. We make things, but fail to put in safeguards when our creations get away from us. 
2. We seek solutions to problems and often create bigger problems in the process. 
3. We implement things in the name of progress, and end up setting ourselves back. 
4. We tackle things we don't understand, and then demonize them when they do what they are naturally inclined to do. 
5. We construct things, let them loose on society and leave society with the clean up bill after the things fail. 
6. We often value material things much more than we value people.

Two lines in the episode struck me:

"There's always more than one man...always more than one hope."

"Out of every disaster, a little progress is made..."

How timely for an almost 46 year old TV show. There really is nothing new under the Sun.

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