Friday, June 18, 2010



Keepin' It Stupid has been arrested, charged, and convicted for the kidnapping and impersonation of Keeping It Real.
Real has been missing for an indefinite period of time, and it is not known as of this date, the extent of the damage done by Stupid. 
The heinous crime has contributed to the serious academic decline of thousands, affecting their ability to reason and process information, and embrace wisdom. 
Affected parties often refer to everything they do not understand as "deep", are highly critical, less than articulate, and are quick to ridicule and judge things and people, without warning or cause. 

Authorities are not sure about the extent of the damage resulting from Stupid's crime, but do expect full recoveries for many, provided that they practice thinking before they speak or send written correspondence. 
Experts report that reading for oneself, and even basic home training are excellent remedies. 
Sadly, growing old is the only way that some individuals will ever truly know how to genuinely "keep it real".

Charges are pending against repeat offenders, Trifling and Ign'ant. 
Eyewitnesses confirm that the two are frequently seen in the company of Stupid, and were in possession of Real's property when arrested. 

Common Sense, Reason, Virtue and a thinking cap were returned to Real unharmed.
Authorities have expressed that they are having difficulty questioning Ign'ant, and have sought the assistance of translators. 
So far, the only ones capable of communicating with Ign'ant are a cousin, commonly known as Clueless, an old aquaintance, Dumb, and a distant relative named Foolishness. 

Stupid has been adamant in denying any association with Ign'ant, Dumb, or Foolishness, but admitted a relationship with Clueless, and identified Clueless as the real mastermind behind the kidnapping. 

Stupid testified that Clueless was afraid that Keeping It Real would encourage intelligence, critical thinking and honesty.

In a statement given by Stupid, prior to imprisonment, a plot to permanently dispose of Real and promote Deceit, Ignorance, Illiteracy, Poor Communication, and Low Self Esteem, was exposed.
Real, a direct descendant of Truth, appreciates everyone responsible for bringing these menaces to justice.

"Stupid has infiltrated schools, churches, businesses, industries, media outlets and the internet, causing many to proudly declare their gross lack of knowledge, common courtesy, and decency. 

Identity theft is a terrible thing in today's society", Real said. "It's hard to get back to normal when someone has used your good name to cause irreparable harm. I hope Stupid never sees the light of day ever again."

After a brief period of recuperation, Keeping it Real will be working with authorities to indict and convict Denial, Hot Mess, and Bad Grammar.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say that I've been reading your posts and they are really thought provoking and interesting. I'm going to follow you, so keep 'em coming! :-) Thanks!
