Tuesday, March 23, 2010

TRY THIS- "ARE YOU SAVED?" written 7/3/2009

I admit it. I was silently glad when I saw all of the references to the salvation of Michael Jackson. The shame is that it wasn't newsworthy when he was alive. Now certain Christians want to claim him in death. Unfortunately, the Bible says that "the dead know nothing".
The news accounts reminded me of the centurion, and the people who stood at the foot of the Cross for hours and joined in the mockery, ridicule, lies and abuse. They just stood there doing nothing, and watched as Jesus--an innocent man who "went about doing good"-- suffered and died. It took an earthquake- NOT the way he lived his life- to give them a final clue about Jesus' identity. Then everybody walked away feeling all remorseful and sad....
For future reference, and to eliminate all of the too late questions and speculations about the redemption of the people we know- or DON'T know, how about we try this---- "Excuse me. Are you saved?" Then wait for an answer. If it's "no", or "I'm not sure", do WE know how to accurately proceed? If someone asks us are WE saved, could we answer "yes" with any real assurance? Are we living our lives in a way that has people speculating about the fate of OUR 8, 10, 12, 6, and 7:30-on-Wednesday-night souls?
Heaven is going to be one 'ol surprise party. My Grandmother always said, "Everybody talking about Heaven ain't going there, Baby, and some people who go to church every time the door swings, are gonna bust hell wide open". How awful would it be to spend your entire life outwardly engaged in religious activity "for Jesus", meet Him, then hear him say, "I never knew you"--and then see Michael Jackson sporting wings and moonwalking happily by singing, "Hee hee".....

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