Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I read a friend's note, and it made me a little sad. "I'm gifted! I'm anointed", he complained. Of his message, soliciting work as a musician, he wrote, "I'm better than this. My gift should be making room for me!" 
 Instead of replying, I just stared at the words, and could almost hear the discouragement. I wondered what he had done? What scheme failed to produce the results he desired? What alliance turned out to be grossly imbalanced and left him lacking? 
He is an extraordinary musician. I thought that there must be lots of places in which someone of his caliber could be an asset. He wasn't seeking to give, serve, or assist though. He was expecting a coveted position to be given to him based on a perceived promise in the Word of God. Mind you, I'm not in favor of people being taken advantage of, or not being compensated for the outstanding work they perform. 
There is a prevailing attitude that what musicians do is merely a hobby not worthy of wages, and that they should get a "real" job. In many churches, there is a school of thought that what musicians do week after week should be their reasonable service to the volunteer army. The problem with that thinking is that the congregation's army of doctors, lawyers, accountants, teachers, architects, engineers, plumbers, electricians, realtors, secretaries, and other blue and white collar workers are not lining up, nor are they expected to cheerfully volunteer their gifted services on Sundays-- and whenever the church doors are open. 
Red church juice and peach cobbler are delicious, but creditors don't as of yet, accept the famous duo as a means of payment for monthly bills.

I searched for the scripture that my friend referenced in his half resume/ half lament. I know what it seems to mean--be gifted and the world is yours. Its meaning, however, is completely lost on those who desire greatness, and need a biblical back-up for their ambition--or a biblical cushion when fame is delayed, or a bible-based trick to cause people to dig deeper into their purses and pockets in order to obtain what God is supposedly getting ready to do in the next 13 hours, 23 minutes and 4 seconds. 
We seem to have relocated the Psychic Friends Network to pulpits nationwide. When is God not doing something wonderful and specific to bless everyone-- just and unjust? Instead of sitting around counting hours for what someone has declared that He will do next Juvember, why not bless God today? Right now?

Sometimes we seem to bump our heads and conclude that God owes us. He calls us His friends, His children, the apples of His eye. He so loves us, and yet there are too many times when we still look to Him as some kind of cosmic pimp who needs our services in order to finance and maintain His empire. Too often we walk around disappointed and discouraged because we've misunderstood His word, or fallen for the manipulation of a misguided teacher, or self appointed prophet. We are sure to faint when we fail to study ourselves, pray for wisdom and get understanding. God doesn't lie, and He inspired every word we read in the Bible. They don't contradict each other. 
Yes. Gifts have a way of appeasing people. Sadly we, with our super-bad selves, have read Proverbs 18:16 and rejoiced, until we destroyed our hairdos and suits, at the prospect of rubbing shoulders with the beautiful people. The mention of Proverbs 18:16 has caused some to conclude that they are supposed to blaze a star-studded, red carpeted trail through this world, and have guaranteed coveted seats of privilege in enlarged territories-- just because they have a little talent.
When our meteoric rise to fame seems to be taking too long, we begin to fashion our own plans, become impatient and question the validity of the Gospel, while aggressively challenging the fairness and integrity of the systems, organizations, and industries we seek to enter.

Why isn't your gift making room for you? It may be because you aren't giving. It may be because you are giving--but just to the wrong people and not in the right amounts. We're looking for abundant blessings. We're expecting. Waiting. Hoping. Negotiating. Networking. Counting down days. Seeking kingdom and all that it has to offer, but discarding righteousness. Feeling a sense of entitlement for something we had no hand in creating. We've reduced life in God to a state of rights with no responsibilities.
Perhaps you're looking at others who you feel are less gifted than you, and wondering how in the world they ascended to, and maintained their level of achievement and notoriety. You ask yourself, "What do I have to do to get where they are? Perhaps you should consider their years of sacrifice, commitment, prayer, study, devotion, charity, failure, disappointment, rejection and effort while they were still in obscurity. Perhaps you should consider if "where they are" is where God wants you to be.

Proverbs 18:16 refers to a present--something given to someone else--not something which one has been given. Presents do have a way of opening doors. Could it be that a hook-up, an illegal, immoral business arrangement is the way some have chosen to succeed? Is success no longer the end result of honest, hard work, and consistent preparation of one's talent, skill or ability? Your gift will make room for you, quickly--if you have a mind to disguise a bribe in the clothing of a present.
I hope my friend doesn't neglect to be found doing what it is that God has assigned to his hands. Delight yourself in the Lord, and HE will give YOU what your heart should desire according to His thoughts and plans--NOT what you think you want. Not what you think your fantastic talent deserves.

Matthew Henry wrote, "A good present will also go far towards a man's preferment. It will bring him to sit among great men, in honour and power. See how corrupt the world is when man's abilities and talents will not do, even though they may be great? (See how corrupt the world is) when men's presents and bribes will gain that for them which they are unworthy of, and unfit for? There's a Latin quote that applies perfectly, "Vendere jura potest, emerat ille prius". It translates, "He that bought law, can sell it".

What will happen when some people decide to stop giving presents to those who seem to hold the keys to their prosperity, and start honoring God?

Henry says, no wonder there are those who take bribes in their offices. Chances are that they gave bribes to obtain their offices.There are a lot of very talented, sincere people who are not currently, successfully engaged in the work they truly love. There are a lot of mediocre, unqualified, inept people holding positions of power and influence--and they need a team of competent people around them 24-7 to keep their charade alive. God forbid that you should engage them one-on-one. You will soon find out the identity of the real brains behind the operation. It can be frustrating, but the fact is that there will always be arenas where incompetent people are running things, appearing successful, and being elevated. Promotion is a God thing. We don't have to understand His reasons, but we do have to intently nurture the assignment He has given to us.
Discouragement can lead to disgust. Disgust concerning a situation can cause a usually rational person to undertake drastic measures in order to change or expose it. You never have to bribe your way into prosperity. Vengeance is no way to get what you think you deserve, or level a playing field. You'll just end up appearing crazy, desperate, bitter and vindictive--- and tick off God at the same time. If you find yourself impatient, and deliberately choose to skew the meaning of the scripture, then, congratulations. Your gift WILL make room for you. If you offer it to the right people, and want to be bound and indebted to them for the rest of your life, go ahead- ignore your integrity and become a brownnoser. Forget that everything you have belongs to God, compromise your principles, and commence sucking up to anyone you think can assist in helping you to make your name great. You'll spend so much time bowing, scraping, repaying and dancing before men, that you'll have no energy or time to praise God.

What are you willing to do in order to have your talent recognized and applauded by men? Don't lose heart or become discouraged. God knows your ability, and he definitely knows the plans he has for you. How many gifts has HE given, and continues to give whether we show appreciation or not? Are we as anxious to make room in our hearts and minds for HIM, as we are to play with the big boys and travel in their circles? Do we have the same hunger for God as we hunger for some benefactor to come along and finance our lives because we happen to be good at something? We wouldn't HAVE any abilities or talents to share if it weren't got God. Every good an perfect gift comes from Him. You belong to Him, and He knows exactly what your needs are.

Bribes can be, and often are powerfully influential. Look at Proverbs 17:8 and Proverbs 17:23. The writer illustrates how inferiority and lust for a place of importance can fuel an individual's need to offer gifts to those who possess great financial resources, or are in positions of power and influence. It's sad that many feel this is their only avenue to get ahead.
A good bribe can accomplish so much. It can shut up a witness. It can sway an election. It can alter the results of a contest. It can secure a prisoner's freedom. A good bribe can secure the best seat in the house. Many people expect a return on what they give, and don't like to hear that their bribe is being transformed into a gift. "Thank you" doesn't sit well when you're looking for something tangible and expensive. Bribery is hard work. If an individual is having difficulty gaining access to a great man, he will seek often out the man's friends, associates or employees, or he'll give a well thought out gift to the man himself. Those GIFTS will make limited room for him, and do nothing to foster a genuine friendship between him and the great man.

Being anointed is not a token for a free spin. It's not a ticket out of trials and tribulations. It's not a good luck charm or a coupon. In the Bible, the anointed were appointed; chosen. They didn't need hook-ups to further their assignments, gain access, achieve greatness or advance their agendas. They certainly didn't have to run around trumpeting their anointed status. They were endowed with the ability to carry out what God wanted done. It wasn't a pass to forgo the sovereignty of God and establish one's own warped sense of self. Notice how the Children of Israel failed EVERY time they decided to choose their own leaders? Notice what happened to Nadab and Abihu when they decided that they could perform priestly duties just because their Dad was a priest? Notice how God reacted to Miriam an Aaron when they murmured about Moses. No. Moses couldn't speak eloquently, but God CHOSE him. David wasn't trying to be anointed. He was minding his business tending sheep while his father paraded his big, strong brothers before the prophet. We have to stop walking around with our " GIMME! I'm anointed" tee shirts on, and stop falsely encouraging minds and hearts that are not focused on God's "presence but his presents".
GIVE. Your honest GIFT--YOUR no-strings-attached giving- YOUR active service, YOUR sincere sacrifice is the key. Your talent is a blessing and a privilege, not an entitlement. Trust that God orders the steps of a good man, promotion is His domain, and all good gifts come from Him. You can try, but you can't beat God's giving. You can pretend, but promotion without His blessing is miserable. Besides, he knows the contents of every heart and the motive behind every action. Seek to please Him and Him alone, and in due season...


  1. Nice. A lucid, interesting, and sincere read. Too many favorite excerpts to name just one, but I'll share 2:
    ~Why isn't your gift making room for you? It may be because you aren't giving.
    ~They were endowed with the ability to carry out what God wanted done.

  2. Right on the mark!!
