Tuesday, March 23, 2010


You have to know when people are sharing things with you for your information, simply shooting the breeze, engaging in idle gossip, or when they've done wrong, are trying to cover themselves, and are entangling you in their schemes. 
You have to be able to discern truth from the ramblings of those bent on justification or revenge because their schemes failed

You can't just go around picking up the crosses of others, and joining unrighteous causes. 
You can't be so desperate to have anyone in your life that you ignore the abominable way that they treat others. 
You've got to know that sooner or later, your turn is coming.

How in the world can the chief perpetrator of any division, trouble, or calamity that exists think he or she can be trusted to, is qualified to, or will be allowed to choose the mediator?
And how can the chosen mediator, in good conscience, accept the challenge when:
1. He or she is as shady, silly, immature, inexperienced, uninformed, petty, untrustworthy, and lacking in good judgment and discernment as the perpetrator?
2. He or she is irresponsible and can't keep his or her own affairs, business or relationships in order?
3. The affected parties have no confidence in the mediator because of past experience?

4. The mediator and the perpetrator are cut from the same strife-loving cloth.

You can't run off half-cocked with bits and pieces of an issue, or disjointed parts of a story. If you're determined to involve yourself in a matter, you have to be willing to seek the truth and weigh all sides, even if what you discover indicts the person you usually support. 

What is the purpose and sense of being mad at people who have done nothing to you, just because someone else wants or expects you to be? Let go of other people's beefs! Why do people insist that you only like or associate with the people they choose for you?  If that's the criteria to keep the relationship going, you're better off without it! That's manipulation. Think for yourself! Stop forfeiting good working and personal relationships just to keep some insecure control-freak happy!

You have to decide when it is best to just listen and remain neutral, stop listening, separate yourself, speak up for what it right, or change the subject. Getting entangled in other people's drama because they are looking for allies in their ongoing, ridiculous war against someone they don't like or envy, isn't smart. 

Sometimes people sidle up to you, not because they want you, but because they're trying to get next to someone else to whom they think you're close. You'll find yourself with more trouble than you bargained for, your business in the street, and your feelings hurt if you don't pay attention. Watch those people who are always putting down your friends or acquaintances in your company. Speak up and shut it down--if you dare. When people are talking, you have to listen to what's on the lines, and in between. Is it true? Is it right? Is it helpful? Is it coming from a pure, concerned, or a bitter heart? Will it edify, educate, or cause more strife? Are they hoping you'll pick up the gossip and run with it?

Pay attention to how people handle conflict with others. You'll know what to expect the minute you don't side with them, or agree with them. The minute you cross them, watch out. Some people don't mind lying and sowing seeds of discord to get their own way. If they'll do it to the proverbial "them", they'll surely do it to you

Flee drama. Purpose that you're not going to entertain it. You and your environment are healthier without it. Maya Angelou was right. "When people show you who they are, believe them the FIRST time."

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