'Be anxious for nothing..." ~Philippians 4:6

Thursday, June 29, 2017


Zipporah’s  father, Jethro had once been one of Pharaoh's top advisors, but because he was gracious toward Hebrew people, he had been blackballed and ostracized.
Jethro relocated to Midian, and became the highest priest of the land. He was a highly respected and intelligent priest, who gave up the practice of idol worship. The people of Midian weren’t exactly pleased with his decision, and began to persecute and hate him. (Isn’t that always the way? You decide to do something beneficial, think independently, or step outside of the box and along come the haters.)
Jethro's daughters felt the brunt of his decision.  Every time they went to water their father’s sheep, they were bullied away from the communal well.  They figured out a way to work around the bullies. Imagine if they decided they were too afraid and stopped going to the well altogether? Instead, they waited patiently until all of the other shepherds had used the well, and then seized their opportunity.  The waiting was no doubt time-wasting. The sheep needed water, though. There was no time for fear or succumbing to intimidation. Moses stood up for Zipporah and her sisters, when he showed up in Midian and saw what was happening. He defended them against the town bullies, and assisted them in watering their flock. Their father was surprised to see his daughters arriving back home from the well after being gone for such a short period of time. Zipporah told her father about the stranger who helped her and her sisters.  Moses was extended an invitation to Jethro’s house and not long after, he was given Zipporah to be his wife. 
One word in a version of the story that I read would not let me go. “Communal”. The well where Moses became Zipporah’s hero, was not off limits. It was not privately owned. Had it been, it would have made sense for the owner to become irate and chase other shepherds away from it. However, it didn’t belong to any one person. No one person had more stock in it, or privileges concerning it, than another. It was to be used or shared in common by everyone in the town. No one should have dared chase Zipporah and her sisters away. I understand being concerned about the condition, upkeep, and proper functioning of shared things, but when resources are communal where does anyone get the idea that they can commandeer them and determine when, where, how, how much, and whether others utilize them?
There are a myriad of reasons why people do what they do, and if some people could keep you from obtaining and enjoying your portion of what is rightfully yours they would.  Don’t allow it.
So many questions came to mind as I thought about the incident at the well.  How many times were Zipporah and her sisters harassed and intimidated in their own town, by people who knew them, before Moses--a stranger-- came along? Why didn’t anyone else see the injustice and unfairness and help them? Had they told their father what was happening to them? What did being ostracized and constantly in fear do to their self-worth? Did it make them stronger, weaker, or more determined? Had they simply resigned to deal with the situation the best way they could? And what was up with those shepherds? ( I’d like to think these shepherds, by their behavior alone, were hired hands. Good shepherds were caring, responsible and not cowardly.)
Everyone is faced with mean-spirited, selfish, overbearing people from time to time. How do you cope with those who have decided that you don’t matter? Who is gossiping about you, and sowing seeds of discord because of a stand you have taken? Who has been gossiping and backbiting so much that their attitude is hostile and cold when they encounter you? Who’s trying to get you out of the way? Is it because they think they’re better than you? Do they fear that resources are lacking, diminishing, or they deserve a greater share of them than you?
Who’s assuming that you are weak, insignificant, and unworthy and attempting to bully you? Who’s trying to frighten you away from what you have every right to obtain? And why are you allowing it? Are they bigger, “badder”, or more powerful? Are they armed, or are they just self-centered, narcissistic bullies who like seeing you cower and cry?
Who’s trying to regulate or force you to change your plans? Who is keeping your time as if you answer to them? Who is suggesting that it’s time for you to step aside so they can bully their way into your position—not because they want the job, but because of the perceived perks they think you’re receiving? If you have been committed, consistent, efficient, effective and operating in a spirit of excellence—why are you even thinking about where your suitcase is? Why are you so easily moved by manipulative, self-centered people from places where you belong?
Who is trying to move you simply because they’re insecure and don’t want you in what they think is their lane?
Who’s trying to make you think they’re more important or more favored than you? Is it true, or is it what they need to be true in order to make themselves feel better?
Who is intimidating you and causing you to waste the little that you have obtained in the short or inconvenient amount of time you had to obtain it?
Who’s persecuting you because of what someone in your family has done?
Who hasn’t been able to hurt you, so they’ve decided to harass your children or family members?
Who has a problem with the kindness that you demonstrate to others?
Who’s mad because you’ve grown intellectually and no longer ascribe to performance based, or idol based worship?
Who’s got you cowering, hiding, and waiting until the coast is clear because every confrontation with them is a violent or combative one?
Who have you allowed to hold you to a ridiculous budget or standard so that they can have more?
Who sees you going about your business—minding your business—not bothering anyone, just going about your day, making sure your needs and the needs of your family are met, and decides that their needs are more pressing than yours?
Who has decided that you need supervision, micromanagement, or relegation to a low estate?

Who doesn’t care if you’re lacking essentials that could affect your health and well-being?
Who has caused you to feel you have to settle for last place or the low rung on the totem pole?
What adjustments have you made, or how have you inconvenienced yourself just to avoid running into certain people?
Who thinks that their schedules, appointments, and time are more important than yours?
Who has imposed a singular claim on what is a joint or group venture?
Who is diminishing you because of your gender?
Who thinks you shouldn’t be where they are--doing what they’re  doing?
Who thinks you’re too weak or unsuited for the job you’ve always been doing with ease and precision?
Who has a problem with your ethnicity, nationality, appearance, language, mannerisms, habits, style, or beliefs, or skill?
Do you always know who’s really behind the decision making concerning you, or is there a fall guy?
What have you sacrificed so that a significant other can be free to wholly pursue a higher calling?
It is vital to know the people in your life, and particularly those in your circle. Recognize integrity, sincerity, dependability, and kindness. Know who is there for you, not because of what you have, but because they value the relationship, and value righteousness. Be wise about confrontation, but don't fear it. Like the song says, "I wanna see you be brave".
Maya Angelou said, “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time. Remember this, because it will happen many times in your life. When people show you who they are the first time believe them, NOT the 29th time.”
Know those people who smile in your face, and seek to be close, but don’t mean you any good. Know those people whose smiles make your day.
Once your eyes are open, keep them open and don’t go back to sleep...:  )


"A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret." ~Proverbs 11:13

"He who goes about as a slanderer reveals secrets, therefore, do not associate with a gossip." ~Proverbs 20:19

"A faithful man will not disclose what he is trusted with, unless the honor of God and the real good of society require it." ~Matthew Henry

"How much of this nonsense does he believe, I wonder, and how much does he say just because he knows the value of dividing in order to conquer and to rule?" ~Octavia E. Butler

We all have people in whom we can confide. We've tested whether that is so. You learn over time that some people are wise, objective, solid, trustworthy, and loyal...Thank goodness....Sometimes you need someone to talk to; someone to check you; someone to whom you don't mind being accountable; someone who will tell you the truth. Who you choose really matters.
Unfortunately, we all know a chronic gossip. We all know a habitual liar. We all know those shady types who manage to operate with two faces. We all know those who are selective about when they are going to be neutral, and strangely incapable of taking a stand. We all know people who like to sow seeds of discord among friends and relations--and it's usually a desperate ploy to remain the star on everyone's stage. They seem to thrive on confusion, have very selective memories, and are self-centered. Don't be mad. Just pray for their minds.
Hopefully you've learned what to share and not to share with people whose lips are a bit loose--not just about their own business, but everything anyone has ever share with them as well. 
However, before you are swift to go and repeat what that gossipy acquaintance, relative, or mutual friend told you about someone else, under the guise of getting to the bottom of things, consider whether it is true, worthy of repetition, or potentially damaging to feelings or relationships. Moreover, consider if you really want to hear what was said about YOU. Sometimes, you're being spared great pain because others are more reluctant to repeat tales--particularly if they know they will be hurtful for you to hear. 
Know when you're a recipient of mercy. If they'll whisper about them, you'd better believe they'll whisper about you. 

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Many forfeit the opportunity to speak truth and reason to power--whether that power is actual, perceived, or imagined,
1. they assume that the powerful won't listen
2. they're afraid of the response the powerful will give
3. they don't want to risk losing their perceived standing or position within the powerful person's circle
 4. they've erroneously concluded that they are special or favored by the powerful, or 
5. they've been convinced that speaking up to the powerful is somehow disrespectful.
It's not just in the halls of government. It's everywhere. People are strangely, and often shockingly mum when it counts the most, and too full of words when they should really be quiet. If nothing else, what people say, or don't say, proves where they stand. Some aren't even good at hiding their true motives. Hypocrisy and backpedaling are quite a pair. Greed, selfishness and deceit can never masquerade for genuine concern.

Many will hear a lie, KNOW it's a lie, but will accept, defend, justify, ignore, minimize, and even put a spin on it. They don't want to risk being subject to the mistreatment others suffer, ostracized, or demeaned, so they choose not to rock the boat, but some boats could use a good rocking. Lies don't need dressing up. They need to be exposed.

Why anyone thinks a disloyal, self-absorbed, arrogant, dishonest person wont turn on them and throw them under a bus without justification or warning, too, is beyond me.
If you have to fear speaking the truth, lie, censor yourself, be two-faced, or check your common sense, brain, and integrity at the door in order to remain in ANY relationship, you don't really HAVE one. Don't delude yourself into thinking you're secure. How close ARE you if you can't be honest, or are afraid to, or discouraged from expressing your genuine thoughts? How  frequently are you looking the other way, and trying to pretend you are ignorant or unaffected? 
Some things aren't right, and there comes a time when you just have to say so--and risk offending, shocking, or at least waking up those who make a habit of being offensive.
Why should you have to wear one face when addressing one person or group, and another the rest of the time? Pick a side--preferably the righteous one.

Good luck trying to convince thinking people to understand why you won't support the truth, and regularly make excuses for a liar. Don't be surprised if your own credibility suffers. 
Better to have someone mad at you for saying what needs to be said, than to be a party to deceit, misinformation, mistreatment, or injustice.

Right always wins.

Monday, June 26, 2017


A wise person said, "Some people are frustrated because their schemes failed." Others are frustrated because they've tried EVERYTHING, and were SURE that YOU would have failed, or let them chase you away by now.
You may have tied up your Chuck Taylor's in the past, and maybe it was your HABIT, or the easy thing to do, but your running days are OVER--not because you're tired or out of shape, but because you are no longer afraid, in denial, wearing blinders, or intimidated. 
Speak truth, and speak it boldly. You cried your LAST tear YESTERDAY.

WHO'S IN YOUR EAR? Don't mess around listening to shady people and find yourself in a pickle. Open your eyes. Don't check your discernment at the door. Know FOR SURE who has your back, and who is standing back there with a meat cleaver.
Only some kind of NEW fool thinks they get to sow seeds of discord in your space--be it at work, home, or play--while they enjoy peace in theirs, and you're going to keep quiet about it, or roll over. In the words of the great philosopher Deputy Barney Fife, "Nip it in the bud!"
Don't lift your foot, but just look down and let that snake know you SEE him...or her. Remind yourself that your God is BIG, and you have ALL of the receipts for his work on your behalf. When you ask righteous people to pray, that's just what the heck they do--and you get results--SUDDENLY!
Keep doin' what you've been doin'. It's right, reasonable, honorable and it's working!

Thursday, June 8, 2017


Sometimes we should to revisit the mental notes and bold declarations we made as children and young adults. Remember all of those great ideas? There were no limits to what we imagined we could do, or be, or where we could, or would go! Some of the things we said we would do when we "got on our own", should be placed back on our to-do lists. God ideas, no fear, positive standards, and admirable goals are things for which to be grateful--not doubted, second-guessed, or abandoned.

The apostle John recorded the words of Jesus" “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” ~John 10:10
I used to wonder why it was necessary to have all three of those destructive words in the same sentence, and then it occurred to me. If something is stolen, it’s gone, and the likelihood of getting it back is slim to none. It you do get it back it, the fact that it was in the hands of a thief may change the way you feel about it. You may not trust it. It may have been tampered with, altered, or broken. It may have to be replaced.   
If something is killed, it’s dead—finished-- and there’s no chance of it being revived, short of a miracle
If something is destroyed, there’s no trace of it in its original form, and it can no longer be utilized the way it was intended. Maybe it could be scrapped so that parts of it can be used to help something else work. Maybe it could be converted into something else altogether, but that was never the plan.
The goal of the enemy of your soul is to so annihilate you so that there is nothing left; nothing worthy, memorable, or valuable to speak of. If he can accomplish that by using you, it’s an even greater victory. If the enemy has a strategy, you can’t afford to be without one. The good news is that you didn’t even have to craft it yourself. 

The abundant life that comes with knowing and accepting Christ provides a remedy for that “steal, kill, destroy” level of destruction-- and we have choices.  If life isn’t abundant, it’s not because it hasn’t been promised, isn’t attainable, or not for us. You’ll know what’s attainable. James 1:7 tells us “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” Someone told me a long time ago, “God doesn’t show you things to tease you. He shows you what’s available to you. He shows you what you can have.”
The apostles Matthew and Luke recorded the words of Jesus: “If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!”

One of the things that social media has done is to give us a glimpse into the lives of others. People we actually know are accomplishing some wonderful and impressive things! We’re seeing the fruit of labor, and the results of concentrated effort. We can like and love what others are accomplishing all day long, but what are we doing to enhance or own lives, utilize our own skills, and exercise our own gifts and talents? Who stopped us? What event arrested us and made us lay down our passions and plans? Who said “No you can’t”? Who said the time has passed, or the time you currently have, isn’t enough? Who said your strategy to attain your goal is unrealistic, illogical, not specific enough, too hard, negative, too costly, or not a good fit for you? The person who determines all of that is YOU! 
One thing about goal setting, you simply have to be wise and discerning when you decide to run your ideas by someone else. Some people’s fears are contagious and will potentially strangle the plans and dreams of others.

Never allow anyone to sabotage the beauty you are trying to achieve, the progress you are trying to make, or the goals you are trying to reach. People may infer that you think you're better than them or others for merely trying to improve your own situation. Let them talk, and hopefully work out their own insecurities. Let them mull over their own unwise choices. We’ve all had some blunders and missteps. Today, let’s decide that forward is the way.
Don't let anyone make you think you have to wallow with them in past failures, abandon your ideals, or adopt their ways. If it is possible to do and be better, then go on with your blessed self, and let people who have confused "keeping it real" with "keeping it trifling" go on thinking they're hurting others by devaluing themselves. 

There's nothing like seeing someone rise from complacency and oblivion, and deciding that they DO want more; they DO want better, they CAN achieve, it’s NOT too late, and there IS a way. It is a happy day when you decide that living beneath that which you KNOW are able, in conditions YOU know in your heart are unacceptable, are no longer options for you. Decisions like that begin in your own mind. No one can motivate you like you can motivate yourself, but you have to make sure the voice you’re listening to is yours—that bold, confident voice that is untainted by baggage, insecurity, or unresolved issues, lies, or misinformation. Be clear. Write it down if you have to. Read it back to yourself. Make adjustments. You can repeat as many mantras, amass as many mentors, and look at as many YouTube self-help videos as possible, but until YOU decide to make a move, your dream will be just that—a fantastic, seemingly unattainable show to entertain you while you sleep. A great consolation is that you have tremendous help—if you believe it.

The Bible says, “I can do all this through him who gives me strength”.
Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” ~Matthew 17:20
It’s not about size. It’s about what the mustard seed KNOWS. It knows just how big a tree it has the potential to be!

“What is impossible with man is possible with God.” ~Luke 18:27

Unfortunately, some people don't want to see you do better. Maybe it shines a light on their shortcomings, and forces them to take a good look at themselves and the condition of their own lives. Don't let that stop you from being and doing your best, and strategizing how to do it.

I like The Message Bible’s translation of Philippians 3:15-16:
“So let’s keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us. If any of you have something else in mind, something less than total commitment, God will clear your blurred vision—you’ll see it yet! Now that we’re on the right track, let’s stay on it.”