Sunday, November 17, 2024


People have many reasons why they align themselves, their good name, skills, or reputation with one person, group, organization, or another. It’s a gamble, sometimes.

There are reasons why they stay, or remain an active part. It can be out of genuine respect, admiration, duty, ignorance, gullibility, stubbornness, or fear. It can be purely transactional, temporary, on a whim, or opportunistic. 

It’s great when things go well.

Once aligned, however, it’s hard to completely divorce oneself, or denounce words and deeds, when things go wrong. You will forever be associated with, or assumed to be complicit in the scandal, conflict, or downfall. You were there—in the mix. You gave your resources. You advocated. You were a cheerleader. You hopped onto the bandwagon, and maybe even benefited. You won’t be able to say you didn’t know, or fully understand what it was all about, nor how it negatively impacted others.

Be careful and sober about what you support, promote, celebrate, excuse, turn a blind eye to, justify, or defend. It says a lot about you, that you may not intend to communicate, and gives wise, discerning people valid reasons to be leery, and keep their distance. 

You can’t cozy up with evil, and demand the continued company and attention of good. There’s difference of opinion, and then there’s patterns of abuse, and rigid, blind allegiance to corruption that shouldn’t expect others to be amenable, forgiving, understanding, nor flexible—but should be humbly grateful when they are.

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