Sunday, August 25, 2024



Drama-filled, can’t abide Drama-free
Busy, can’t stand Content
Nosy is livid because you care less
What you said, is what you meant

Trouble, is troubled that you don’t fret
Worry, wants you to weep
Inconsiderate demands you pick up every cross
So you, too, can lose focus and sleep

Controlling, goes ape when you hold your own reins
Needy, hates your other friends
Bossy thinks its way should always be yours
Messy, prays conflicts don’t end

Competitive, can’t safely run its own race
For looking to see where you are
Bully shows up to intimidate
Critic, strives to lower your bar

Insecure, expects you to shrink, and play dumb
Relegates you to only one lane
Envy throws enough shade to block out the Sun
Hate, hopes you’ll never love again.

The joy is, Discernment exposes them all
So that you can maneuver with ease
Safely avoiding the ditches and traps
Set to burden, entangle, and tease
Discernment sheds light when darkness would try
To insist you don’t see what you see
And compel you to doubt what’s before your own eyes
And defend what should never be


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