Monday, July 15, 2024


Things happen long before they hate to see you coming

Sigh, moan, and groan as you come dragging through the door

Perhaps, consider stuff you do that's not becoming

That folks declare they just won't deal with anymore

It can't always be "Them"

The culprit's in your mirror

You gotta own it.

That projection's tired, and old

The exhausted will ignore you

The bewildered, keep their distance

The dispositions of the fed up, are ice cold

Everywhere you go, you take yourself along

The things you do, and then excuse, quite on a whim

Those ways and tendencies, you ought to know are wrong?

Nobody's obligated to put up with them

"It's just the way I am", can't always be your go-to

Shock and offense, can't be your stance when you're ignored

After you've taxed even the most gracious and friendly

To extend patience they hardly can afford

But there will always be those who make lame excuses

Twist themselves every which way to defend

The indefensible-- perhaps, because they're too deep

Too obligated, or afraid to take a stand

How many times will a new victim be required

After you've failed to have your way; manipulate?

If friendship and community's your true desire

It's hard to tell, by all the hell you instigate:

Constant complaining; sowing seeds meant to divide

Undermining those who aren't fooled by your schemes

Angry with those who refuse to take your side

And join you in making things worse than they need be

At every turn it only feels like you are winning

And nothing can be done to counteract your reign

Like a bull in a china shop, you cause destruction

And every day, more cowards stoke the strength you feign

But if History can still boast how consistent

It's always been, when faced with seeds the toxic sow

It will revive the brave, the righteous, the insistent

Whose intervention will be neither staged, nor show


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