Tuesday, May 14, 2024


The more you see

The more you know

“Win at all cost” is the motto

Lie, cheat— never let remorse show

Integrity left long ago

The so-called war is merely Good against Evil

Every excuse is a reason to

Assume that all they want to do

Is tear a nation down

Why can’t they see that what they say

Was their lot, only yesterday

And what they daily perpetrate

Where innocents are found

Is the tale they’ll not let you forget—

Once, they, too, were oppressed and bound

Irony escapes most hypocrites 

If just a few

Can be convinced

To dispose of wisdom

Ignore common sense

Wrong will be the way they'll choose to go

Right will be a dreaded foe

Youthful protests hope to stop the show

The young are brave

The old, lay low

Those telling truth? They have to go

And, as when all travesties, near their end

If History’s a faithful friend

If on providence we can still depend

Perpetrators and instigators reap precisely what they sow

And no good word of their life’s deeds is ever found.

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