Thursday, February 1, 2024


There’s some information you could have done without, but it sure does clear up a lot!

Sometimes, you’re blamed, punished, excluded, or left wondering about unusual delays, nixed plans, the strain in, or sudden demise of once close, working or personal relationships. You worry yourself silly wondering what happened, and conclude that some things in life are temporary, and you move on. 

You eventually learn that, because of what someone said, suggested, demanded, or felt—someone with a little clout or authority—everything stopped. Opinions were altered. Balls were dropped. Rumors flew. Attitudes were adjusted. Perceptions changed. Invitations were rescinded. It wasn’t even because of anything YOU actually did or said. That would have made more sense.

Did you need to know the “why”, particularly if a great deal of time has passed, and it’s no longer relevant? What are you to do with the information, now? You could have used it when it mattered!

Is the revelation going to change who you are, how you roll, think, or believe, what you like, or appreciate, or with whom you associate? Probably not, but it’s interesting how you may never know who’s watching and listening, complaining and criticizing, hating and envying, and poised and prepared to shut you down because THEY don’t like you, what you do—and don’t want anyone else to like you or it, either.

The infamous “They”…SMH…They’ll never identify themselves. Maybe they’re not even around anymore, but they surely do cause a lot of grief, delay, waste, deficits, and peace disturbance.

Perhaps it’s best that you DON’T know who’s been protesting every time your name, business, or idea came up, Maybe it’s good that you aren’t aware of who’s been blocking, gatekeeping, and closing certain doors. What you’ve learned, though, is that sometimes, there are open windows that are much bigger than those heavily guarded, exclusive doors. 

Sometimes, “them” not wanting you over “there” in “their” space, is a blessing in disguise. Perhaps you haven’t been ostracized, dismissed, ignored, blackballed, panned, or kicked to the curb. You’ve been spared and rescued— for your own good. You’ve been preserved for THIS time. Today. You’re still competent and able, and more discerning. 

Take your time.

You’ll know when the coast is clear. 

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