Wednesday, December 27, 2023



They’ve used up the budget on everything else

“We need music! That would be fun!”

 “But who can we get to do it for free?

Anybody know anyone?”

Some want off of the go-to list, once and for all 

It’s getting so old and tired. 

There are others, who “they” wouldn’t dare try to game

For once, you, too, would like to be hired

No more hearing, “We got chu!”

“We can give you something

And, “Would you accept a plate?”

You’ve shown up, and did what you were asked to do

Only to have to wait…

And wait, and wait—and for some things,

You STILL haven’t been paid

Is the goal to find suckers—The Gullible Gifted

When the event plans are made?

Did you give the impression you’ve got it like that; 

Can afford to volunteer?

Do you look like you’ve got a Bill-paying Fairy?

Are you missing something here?

What is it about you, that you can’t see

That says your work can’t merit pay?

If it’s not as deserving as that of your peers

Why call upon you, anyway?

A new year’s approaching; perhaps it’s past time

To establish new boundaries 

Clearly, you’ve taught some people that you are a slave

And money’s not one of your needs

It’s time to say “No”, or stop hemming and hawing 

When asked “What is your fee?”

If you don’t, you’ll be broke

And broke ain’t no joke

Are you still worried what “they” will think?

Are you worried that “they” will stop calling?

Worried they’ll say you think you’re “all that”?

Worried you’ll be left out, or kicked to the curb

Worried others will sit where you sat?

To that, say, “Oh well”, and time will tell

Who the users and hustlers have been

And if always working for little or nothing’s

The real reason they call you “friend”. 


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