Friday, December 1, 2023


I was taught to appreciate the gifts, talents, and work of others. 
Genuinely doing so, doesn’t minimize or detract from you or your efforts in any way. Frankly, the good that others produce is encouraging and inspiring.

I’ve never been flattered by the criticism of someone else’s work in praise of mine. What do you even say? “Thank you for thinking my work is good, and theirs sucks”?

Of course not. Do you even want a favorable critique that rests on the dismissal or ridicule of others?

It doesn’t make me feel the least bit happy, proud, supported, secure, superior, better, protected, joyful, nor stroke my ego, to hear that, compared to mine,  someone else’s effort was “mediocre”, “disappointing”, “lacking”, “horrible”, or “just okay”. 

Frankly, it’s mean spirited, messy bait, for which no creative should fall. Thinking more highly of oneself than one ought to, is often preceded by the poorly motivated flattery of people who enjoy seeing others at odds.

We all have preferences and favorites, based on our lived experiences, and are entitled to our opinions and tastes. How we herald them, however, can have complementary, encouraging, or supportive intentions, but come across as immature, nasty, and juvenile.

Art is highly subjective. 

Don’t instigate, or spawn competition where none exists. Endeavor to find the good. Applaud freely. Chances are, your favorite is applauding, too

Don’t hold back a deserving complement to one person, for fear of offending another who’s arrogant, self-absorbed, or insecure. 

One artistic endeavor may not perfectly mirror another, but good is there, if you allow yourself to see or hear it.

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