Sunday, September 10, 2023



When it was time to leave the hospital, I thought I was married and grown, with a home of my own to go to. Mommy said I needed to come HOME home so she could “do” for me. She felt it necessary to remind me that I’d never had a baby before.

I don’t think I made it up those 3 steps to the kitchen before she said, “Give me my baby!”, took Lisa from my arms, and left me standing in the garage…lol…”Oh, Ness, I’m sorry!”, she said as the screen door slammed. 

Mommy said I needed to be still, but I sneaked and washed my hair. Apparently that was an ancestral no-no (“You can catch pneumonia!”).  Going to the basement to wash clothes was another violation of the Louisiana Wives’ Tale Playbook. (Your body’s gotta heal!) I’d taken my time descending the 10 steps, but she caught me on my way back up. She was standing at the top of the stairs, arms folded, head shaking, and wearing a scowl. “Li’l girl, a hard head makes a soft behind”, she said. “You’re gonna feel that one of these days.”

I attribute any current, random ache I feel to my disobedience back then. 😂 #memories


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