Tuesday, September 26, 2023


 We have these conversations as creatives: “Am I enough?” 

Just bring what you have. Find like-minded collaborators, and it (your project), can become a more than enough. 

You just need the right when, where, and why.

Name your project. It helps when your project resonates with the things that are important to you. What do you hope will change in the world after it is completed? 

Feedback is huge. Feedback from people who have no idea what your goal is, can be valuable, too.

Mind-mapping allows for info to flow out of your brain in a less censored way… it also allows you to be as silly as you want. Grab what works for you. Toss what doesn’t. 
Writing is rewriting. Just get it out. “Ring, Fling, and Bling”! Whatever spills out, spills out. Choose better words.  Get rid of what’s redundant. Sing! Get it out of your head!

(Click on the image to download the book.)

You’ve got an idea for a project. You’ve, perhaps, been wrestling with it for years. You can see it. You think it’s a good idea. You want to implement it, but you could use some capital. You don’t need to reach everyone, but why should anyone care? Think about yourself as a consumer or audience member. You appreciate other people’s ideas and projects, don’t you? Why?

Build relationships with folks in philanthropy. You can go to dinner with folk without discussing or asking for money. You meet one funder, and…well… you’ve met ONE funder. Foundations and philanthropists are very different. 

It helps to show that you already have support for your project. Volunteers, however, are saving you money. Value their time. 


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