Wednesday, November 9, 2022


A Facebook memory from November 9, 2014:

There are times when it's cool to take orders from your child. Kudos to the Baby Boomers who raised their Echo Boomers/Millennials to appreciate great music.

It's nice when the Echo Boomer takes the initiative and says, "We're going." 

I love my daughter.

It was so wonderful to be in the sanctuary that was the Verizon Center among happy, singing, dancing, clapping, reminiscing, sober, orderly people.

People of all races and ages really CAN be on one accord if they want to be.

The presentation of music can be excellent if the effort is made.

Making music is fun, but it is work, and it's worth the effort that musicians and singers make to share their gifts and talents and bring a little sunshine into our lives. 

Music--great music-- is powerful and unites people in such a marvelous way.

Clearly, given his outstanding body of work, DC believes Mr. Stevie Wonder is worth it. People were sitting as far and high as the eye could see. We were a part of a fantastic choir.

When it was over, patrons headed in different directions, and you could see the happiness and satisfaction on their faces. It was great from beginning to end--even the parking space we had was something to dance about.

Then, I looked at my phone, when I got into the car, and read the news of the crash in the Bahamas...Lisa turned on the radio and the announcer was speaking about car accidents and school shootings that ended the lives of children...

"Love's in need of love today..." 

Life is so very precious. Don't waste one minute of it. Increase the opportunities to smile and bring smiles...: )   Thanks, Stevie. 


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