Sunday, October 9, 2022


Thirty-one years ago, Rev. Jesse Jackson told Washington Post writer Roxanne Roberts, “As you grow older, you somehow know you have more yesterdays than tomorrows, so time becomes more precious, and you try to get the maximum impact for the energy put forward. I feel there are still more mountains to scale. And I have mountain-climbing energy.”

I don’t remember who or what organization initiated the call for art, or know where the painting it may be now, but my parents wanted to see it before I dropped it off. As I was leaving Fort Washington, my Dad came outside with his camera. “Let me get a picture of it. I know you didn’t take one… Is your name on it? Always put your name on your work.” 

He was right. I hadn’t taken a picture. (I smiled this morning when, while looking for something else, I ran across the photo he took.) I told him I’d discretely written my name along the purple ribbon. “Oh. Okay. I see it”, he said.

It was an honor.

Happy 81st Birthday, Rev. Jackson. 





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