Wednesday, September 7, 2022


So… I’ve only seen the previews…but, is the problem that “Honk For Jesus” is truly bad, or that its message is painfully true? 

Folk are awfully offended! I’m a church girl. I get it. The outrage and protest, however, is exposing more than people may intend. Anyone complaining about the “R” rating has obviously never read the Bible.

We do say, “The truth is the light”, don’t we? Has the film turned on said light, and forced people to see and own what’s going on— and has BEEN going on in their churches for a very long time? Is the film mocking THE church, or the sideshow and safe haven for hustlers, abusers, and grifters formerly known AS the church? Does the prize go to the church for making such a laughingstock of itself that Hollywood, once again, wants a piece of the action? 

There’s no stipulation about HOW things done in the dark will come to light. We’ve been taught, and have read that they just DO and WILL. What is this movie—this so-called junk, trash, joke, mockery, shame, sham, and insult— bringing to light that some would rather not admit, see, or not want others to see?

God surely has a sense of humor, is quite strong and secure, and Jesus has a sterling reputation that no mere movie can destroy. What about comedy and satire—and the entertainment business, for that matter—don’t people understand? Why, yet again, is anyone looking for an authentic religious/spiritual/denominational experience on television or at the theater? Or has TV and theatre so succinctly portrayed what goes on at some churches, that it’s opened eyes, and caused shame and embarrassment where blind acceptance and pride has been? 

 Art is a language of visual signs that communicate feelings, ideas, moods, and experiences. Art regularly imitates life. It’s where it gets its inspiration. Perhaps if one entity would stop providing so much juicy fodder and ammunition—I mean inspiration—the triggers wouldn’t exist. 

My grandmother used to say, “A hit dog always holler”. There’s a lot of hollering going on. 

The criticism that the film is getting, should be directed at the reality that has been excused, protected, and hidden. Maybe the ridicule is warranted. Why are some things no longer off limits? Why aren’t they deemed sacred? Why are they no longer respected, and whose fault is that?

If the church is perceived as a joke, why? Who or what is making it a target? Why is it fair game?

Maybe the “mockumentary” will wrestle people out of states of denial, eradicate the godless manipulation, narcissism, and opportunism that inspired it, and move people to restore the reverence they believe the church deserves.



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