Tuesday, August 9, 2022



Who decides what’s best for everyone else?

Who determines what’s wrong and what’s right?

Do we all just prefer what benefits ourselves; 

Take offense when we’re faced with a fight?

When it comes to our likes, we have reasons

We believe what we choose to believe 

Philosophies change with the seasons

But who doesn’t want to be free?

Who decides what everyone ought to condone?

Who determines when it’s time to move?

Should we all be mad at the drop of a hat

Just because certain ones disapprove?

I’m amused at the circling bandwagons 

That expect you to hop on and ride

There’s a catch that the gullible always ignore

‘Til they realize somebody lied

Who can say what’s good for everyone else?

What feeds them, may be poison to you

Before any decision, there’s much to discuss

At the table, you have a seat, too

I’m content, and perhaps, that’s alarming 

Noticing things that seem new today

Interesting how some are less charming

When they can’t always have their own way 

When they can’t influence decisions 

When they can’t get consent anymore 

When access is no longer granted

As freely as it was before 

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