Tuesday, December 28, 2021


Last Tuesday, I sang in public for only the second time since the pandemic began. It took considerable thought. 
Knowing the logistics ahead of time helped me consent to go. 
I was grateful for the way the host treated me. She knew I hadn’t been around a handful of people, let alone a group
The issue is, you know how you’ve spent your days since the pandemic began, but you can’t be so sure that others have been as thoughtful about flattening the curve.

It was good to see people I hadn’t seen since 2020. 
I’d sorely missed singing, but a few things—even in such a large room—made me realize that my apprehension, two masks, and can of Lysol in my purse weren’t totally unreasonable. 

It occurred to me as I heard coughs and sneezes, saw masks beneath noses, and had to sing Acapella (the accompanist wasn’t allowed entry because he couldn’t provide proof of vaccination), that human beings really are the coronavirus’s best friends and supporters. 
Too often:
We don’t listen. 
We don’t read. 
We don’t follow directions. 
We think we know better than those who actually do. 
We want our way.
We think we’re invincible.
We’re all handling this thing in our own, various ways, hoping that there’s a segment of the population, our family members, friends, acquaintances, and co-workers who think and behave the same way we do. 

There’s a flippant “you gotta go sometime” attitude that’ll make you want to hunker down and stay away from certain folk forever. 
Many seem to be of the opinion that if they ignore the pandemic and defy an airborne virus, it will miraculously disappear. 

If you, and your cautious self show up, you’re like kryptonite. You remind the deniers of their weakness and vulnerability. You kill their party. You force them to face reality and think critically. 
Some folk have been through some harrowing things in their lives that make them see the pandemic as one more minor nuisance to be licked and laughed at, as opposed to a global emergency that calls for wisdom, diligence, and care.

It is clear. Some people are over it, and don’t get that the pandemic is hardly over. They won’t stop, sit down, slow down, or change their behavior. The virus is banking on that. 

Some people are either willfully ignorant, extremely lucky, or dangerously extroverted. Your concern (often considered faithless and over-the-top), highly offends, amuses, and even angers those who’ve thrown caution to the wind. They really think their constitutions, affirmations, beliefs, and statuses matter one whit to the coronavirus. Omicron mutated exponentially and is making Delta look like a walk in the park, but there are people who are oblivious to the danger in the most childlike way, but they want everyone else to shut up, understand, lay down their guards, and act like there’s nothing to worry about.

The coronavirus is faithful, religious, consistent, relentless, and takes advantage of every opportunity. It doesn’t care about our ideas, opinions, or faith. It does precisely what it was designed to do. If only we could all be so dedicated and predictable. It is assisted and accommodated by human beings who refuse to change their ways, but then say with straight faces, “No one saw this coming”. 

There are some who think that by merely acknowledging the severity of the virus, that they are somehow dishonoring and disrespecting God. A lot of very pious, religious, Bible~ quoting and toting people have left this Earth. That should be a wake-up call, but it isn’t.

With all of the people, worldwide, holding lofty church titles and positions, you mean NO modern prophet was anointed enough to give everyone a heads up? With all of the decreeing and declaring, and binding, and loosing of spouses, cars, houses, and cash, NO ONE saw this PANDEMIC coming? When the God you say you serve is intelligent, you should want to be, too. You should want to be a good representative—not spooky, deep, and weird— but wise.

With all of the continued sickness and death, people STILL act like it’s no big deal, but pretend to be shocked and bewildered when the coronavirus conducts ITS airborne business as usual. My social media pages convert to obituary columns on any given day.

Is everybody just tired of it and taking their chances? Is anybody tracking and tracing anymore? WHY is anyone surprised that the pandemic isn’t over? Will Christmas 2022 be any different if behaviors and attitudes don’t change?

Some of the incidents of inconsideration are staggering. People ignore or protest mandates, disregard social distancing, lie about their vaccination status, and know they’re sick, but still show up at gatherings. Leaders are too afraid to make prudent decisions, organizers care more about revenue from events than the wellbeing of the people who attend, the health of children is being sacrificed in buildings that school systems knew were inadequate and poorly staffed, and health care professionals are exhausted, overwhelmed, and quitting. 

The coronavirus is delighted that so many are determined to do what they want, how, and when they want. It’s ecstatic that many think their vaccination status means they don’t have to be careful, and respectful of others. It is over the moon that many are in denial and think they can bully, guilt, tease and manipulate others into behaving recklessly. It is obliged to an apparent love of money, and dislike of critical thinking, science, education, common sense, empathy, and reasoning. It really appreciates those who’ve purchased fake vaccination cards.

I’m always tickled by people who act like my choice to stay as safe as possible is silly, or unfounded—like the pandemic is something I made up to justify limiting activities, and being (and enjoying being) a homebody.

I’m glad so many have declared that they’re not going to live in fear; boldly proclaiming that they’re going to live their lives, but they’re making grand plans as if the coronavirus is a respecter of persons— or a person who can hear and fear them.  A bold stance is fine as long as it doesn’t negatively impact other people. A “sound mind” understands that business as usual is not going to work, and this virus is nothing to play with or ignore. 

So many people are awfully quiet now because they talked a big game; encouraged irresponsibility, played down the virus; declared themselves untouchable, or didn’t get vaccinated because they believed the lies and misinformation of deep-pocketed people—who are not only fully vaxxed and boosted, but unlike them, have access to world-class health care. 

It’s biblically true that “God has not given us a spirit of fear”, but there are some things you’d better be afraid of. That very human response governs how and whether you respond effectively or in time in order to save your own hide. No. You don’t have to live in constant fear and stress. That toxicity WILL kill you, but some things call for sober respect, wisdom, and good ol’ fashioned common sense.

There are a lot of people who disrespected the seriousness of the coronavirus and paid with their health and lives— as well as the health and lives of others. There are a lot of people who are ashamed right now, afraid of judgment, and will never reveal how, when, and where they got sick, or who they know they’ve infected. Right now, the coronavirus and her sorority sisters are onboard planes, trains, ships, and in automobiles. They’re in rooms, concert halls, in stadiums, and theaters. They don’t have to do anything except ride along.

I respect the coronavirus. It is the most consistent and relentless thing going, but it wouldn’t be if it didn’t have so much help from people. 

If you’re sick, stay at home. Why does that even have to be said? Because some people just don’t care. If you’re not vaccinated, you can’t be mad and throw a hissy fit when others refuse to accommodate you. 

Wear a mask— or two—when you go out. Don’t PRACTICE social distancing, DO it. Don’t let your vaccination status make you cocky and think you can take liberties in public, or invade the personal spaces of others. I don’t care if you’re fully vaccinated, boosted, double masked, and wearing a “Jesus is the reason for the season” hoodie, don’t mess around and get your feelings hurt trying to bear hug somebody who’s on Team Fist Bump. Ask first. 

So many Christmas plans were dashed, and the pandemic continues because people just won’t do right, don’t want to be told what to do, and some just don’t care. At this stage of the game, no one should have to explain or justify any safety measures—or cancellations. Every time I hear, “We’re back” or “post Covid” I wonder, “What planet are they on?”

A lot of people CAN’T explain why their cheery optimism, fearlessness, boldness, and defiance of the pandemic didn’t work. They’re either not here any more, or they’re too ashamed to speak up.

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