Monday, December 20, 2021



Ignorance and arrogance 

Are meeting their match

In the form of a virus

That's easy to catch

Some think their plans won't take a back seat

To a foe that has shown

It's not easy to beat

As long as greed and delusion leads

Covid marches along

With deliberate speed

We're helping it spread

And it's much obliged

To all who think themselves 

Wise in their own eyes

And spout dumb opinions to bolster their cause

And act as if viruses will take a pause

To allow itineraries--uninterrupted

While ignoring that cases are now on an uptick

While we fight each other

And fight to be right

And compassion is gone

For the miserable plight

Of those on the front lines, tasked to help us

Many, throwing up weary hands in disgust

That we've turned what should have brought us together

Into a test to examine whether

We have common sense, or are royal screw-ups

For the misery, there's no one to blame except us

Listening to hacks, and fattening thieves

While scientists begged us to roll up our sleeves

Instead of doing what's needed

To free from our hair

The daily obituaries, and calls for prayer

We're not changing our habits

It seems we intend

To repeat selfish antics all over again

(As the entitled often do)

So many people believing the lies

So many grifters who spread them have died

When will America open her eyes

(And examine her history?)

Nothing we see hasn't happened before

It seems past lessons don't count anymore

We had answers; solutions, instead we played games

We all saw it coming, and now it's insane

How, it seems, everyone is now on their own

The smart ship has sailed

The wise bird has flown

And now, only Hope remains


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