Saturday, January 2, 2021


What horrors have some of our leaders become

Stressing and frightening all

In a climate of great insecurity

They encourage security's fall

Behind closed doors, they know they have no just cause

In public, stir trouble and pain

At what point, in their minds, will enough be enough?

There's no choice but to think them insane

On a hill called Sedition is where they all stand

Feet mired in lies and deceit

While the oaths they recited mean less every day

And their baseless claims stuck on repeat

All to appease one who'll soon throw them all

Underneath every oncoming bus

What is the payoff for such cowardly men?

In what god have they misplaced their trust?

Why throw away one's reputation and name?

Why forever the traitor be?

Why sell one's own soul; for what benefit

Does one tarnish one's own liberty?

Of whom are they so deathly afraid

Surely, they must know this won't end well

What's the cause of such a destructive charade?

They will surely regret the choices they've made

The foundation of shame so haphazardly made

For the story history will tell


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