Thursday, September 10, 2020


The price gouging is ridiculous, so is the inability to find it as readily as in pre-pandemic. Who knew it would become a splurge? It’s fascinating how the value of a thing changes when circumstances change.

In the past, I’ve paid as little as $4.39. By March, the price online had doubled, but I bought it anyway. Lately, it’s averaging 20 to 25 dollars a can—and that doesn’t always include shipping. Look at eBay. For those prices, it should come with a person in a hazmat suit who’ll spray it for you... and detail your car.  

Lysol has always been a favorite, particularly the original scent, but these days, any scent is elusive. I couldn’t believe it when I logged on to Amazon Fresh at around 3 AM a few weeks ago, and it was actually in stock! I hurried to check out with two cans. History has proven it’s not a good idea to put Lysol in your cart and continue shopping for other things. Even a minute lapse, and you’ll find it’s suddenly no longer available. It’s like turning your back in a grocery store to pick a melon, and some stealthy shopper rolls by, lifts your Lysol right out of your basket, then disappears into thin air.

I thought back to early March when, on the way home, I stopped at Home Depot. I’d always been able to find the 19oz. yellow cans of original scent Lysol there. This time, an employee told me how surprised she was that it was out of stock. “I don’t understand. We always had it.” 

Now, it seems to be more valuable than gold...and should you be lucky enough find it, there’s a good chance it’s arriving from Canada. But hey, as long as it’s the real deal, “Je m’en fiche vraiment”.

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