Thursday, September 3, 2020


You can’t always count on others to handle with care what you’ve made. In the execution of their job, they don’t consider the time and effort you’ve spent doing yours. They don’t know the value or delicacy of what’s inside, or the pride you took in creating, but you do. So, you take steps to secure it; protect it. Just in case it gets left to be exposed to the elements, it’ll be just fine. 

Sometimes people have never experienced the goodness of a thing; perhaps they're not familiar with it, so they don’t consider the impact of their haste, inconsideration, or carelessness. How it's handled is no big deal. If they only knew what they was in their possession, they’d treat it like gold, and not toss it any old place just to get it out of their hands. Perhaps, if they knew, they'd take that extra second to make sure no damage is done.

Fortunately, there are those who do care; who do know; who are forward thinking. They consider every contingency to make sure a thing is protected. Because they care, they take extra steps to make what’s inside remains unaffected no matter what...

...’cause I would have been one sad sister if my favorite popcorn had been ruined. 🙂

#lessonsfrompopcorn #rainyday #HappyAnniversaryGarretts #1949

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