Monday, August 31, 2020


Perhaps the goal of racists and bigots is to tire you into inaction; 

to frighten you into hiding and hopelessness; 

to gaslight you into thinking the problem lies elsewhere; 

to discourage you into believing nothing can, or will change; 

to confuse you into believing a lie; 

to mentally terrorize you into physical illness; 

to anger you into abandoning wisdom and common sense; 

to provoke you into a fight you think will be fair; 

to distract you into misidentifying the real culprit. 

Sometimes it seems like evil is winning. Its laughter is loud, and its taunting is maddening. "Why won't somebody do something?", you helplessly ask, but who is somebody?

Leaders are disappointing, and self-serving. Judges are corrupt. You wonder if they're being threatened, bribed, or blackmailed into supporting the criminality they would otherwise denounce. 

Sober minds are gone, and hearts are hardened. 

The willful ignorance being spewed each day, 

the disregard for humanity, 

outright deception, 

racism and bigotry, 

complicit politicians who refuse to stand up and speak out, 

blame games, and whataboutism destroying any chance of harmony, 

and the death tolls rising, are exhausting.

They’ll fiercely deny their hand in the chaos, but instigators actually relish in the trouble and hatred they stoke. Arrogance, and self-righteousness compel them to rush to see, close-up, the results of their work, forgetting that some of the fuel they added to the fire is now saturating them...and someone they least suspect is going to light a match.

Evil is not sustainable. It will eventually consume those who perpetuate it. They can’t see the undeserved grace they’re being shown. There's still time to turn around.

History shows us over and over again, however, that righteous indignation, Justice, and Good seem to take forever to respond, but when they do, the results are spectacular.


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